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Full Version: My practice attempt to decrypt a SHA-256 hash of an IP address
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My practice attempt to decrypt a SHA-256 hash of an IP address.  Has anyone here tried this?

I generated the SHA-256 hashed IP from this website:

I made 2 scripts (in the above Github repo):
   1. :  -a 1 left right
   2. :  -a 3 ?d?d?d.?d?d?d.?d?d?d.?d?d?d

Am I doing this right?  The process only seems to be using 1 CPU on the brute force attack.  How do I get it to consume more CPU cores?

Your example in will only match three-digits-per-octet IPs ( and miss other possibilities (,,, etc.)

This is closer:

Are you using GPU? iff not, when using only CPU (-D 1), hashcat should use all cores.
thanks for the answer!   I still have 2 questions:
  1.  your pastebin sample I am not understanding why you provide me with a 600 line file?
  a.  I tried and I got a match with this (in under 1 minute??) :   ?d?d?d.?d?d?d.?d?d.?d?d?d .  (3d.3d.2d.3d to match my sample ip:
  b.  how do I change this parameter to match 1-3 digits in each part of the ip address?
c. I tried using --increment but it didn't work . (perhaps my syntax was wrong? i was expecting each custom defined charset to be incremented 1-3 times) : hashcat ./hashedIPs.txt --outfile-format=2 -o outfile.txt -m 1400 --custom-charset1=?d?d?d --custom-charset2=?d?d?d --custom-charset3=?d?d?d --custom-charset4=?d?d?d --increment -a 3 ?1.?2.?3.?4

  1. 2.  Not understanding your CPU suggestion: there is no mention of CPU/GPU in the  'hashcat --help' .  I suppose perhaps I may be using GPU if my CPU only looks like 1 core is running?
#1 I updated my repo and added a brute-force-patterns.txt file that I now iterate over, running hashcat once for each pattern. is this how people usually do this?

#2 With your advice, I figured out how to run on CPU instead of GPU. Wish the --help command would have explained it. I had to google it to verify.

Still don't have it working but I hope I am getting closer...
Finally got it working. Thanks royce:
Couple of niggles:

- That larger file I linked to covers actual possible IP addresses. Many ?d?d?d (above 254) are invalid in an IP-address octet. So your masks will try many IPs that are not valid (if any octet has more than two digits).

- It's not "decrypting" - you're cracking, or hashing, to try to find a match. Decryption implies reversal of an encryption process, which is not how hashes work.
thanks, yeah i noticed that, since it took 2 hours to run. 

if I knew what you used for your 3 custom charsets on the command line, then using that file would be a lot easier.
the file linked above is a valid hcmask file and as such includes the custom character sets. For more info see

increment mode increments the mask only. It does not care about custom character sets. In fact, the character sets "?d", "?d?d" and "?d?d?d" are identical.
(02-26-2018, 05:43 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]the file linked above is a valid hcmask file and as such includes the custom character sets. For more info see

increment mode increments the mask only. It does not care about custom character sets. In fact, the character sets "?d", "?d?d" and "?d?d?d" are identical.

thanks,  I didnt know there was such a thing.   i appreciate it very much!
Ok, I updated my repo. The script, using royces hcmask file, is able to quickly guess the value of this ip:
But not this IP; this one fails to be guessed:
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