If I have a large potfile of previously cracked hashes, and cracking on some more hashes while outputing to a file.
Will the hashes found inside the potfile be added to the output file automatically?
It seems to be removing the hashes from the file of hashes being cracked on currently, however not adding them into the output file. Is this the expected behavior or am I understanding it wrong?
Please advise.
Also, why is the potfile not being exported when issuing the following command:
hashcat64.bin -m 100 --show -o hashes.txt
Usage: hashcat64.exe [options]... hash|hashfile|hccapxfile [dictionary|mask|directory]...
Try --help for more help.
yeah, it's exactly how it was designed.
If the hashes are already present within the pot file it means that they were also already outputted somehow, therefore there is no need to do it again and again.
you need to specify the hash file if you can --show
hashcat64.bin -m 100 --show -o output_file.txt hash.txt
What if you don't have the orignal hashfile anymore because the --remove option was used?
In some cases you could just extract some lines from the potfile itself (like "cat hashcat.potfile"), but this is not a good idea in general.
It's always advisable to keep all the original files
(03-12-2018, 10:50 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]In some cases you could just extract some lines from the potfile itself (like "cat hashcat.potfile"), but this is not a good idea in general.
It's always advisable to keep all the original files
Boo, thx for the reply. Looks like I'll have to reparse up the original 22gb of hashes to make sure my output isn't missing anything.