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Full Version: Cracking in Google Cloud Instance Questions.
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Im gonna start cracking in a google cloud instance, just for test, i have some questions.
What gpu type/number choose. For maximize the 300$ Free credit.
*all instances has 500GB HDD(ssd would be better, but i have 100GB LIMIT) + 8 vcpu + 7.2GB RAM  price included for be able to upload the wordlist, first i will create instance witouth the GPUs and once wordlist is already uploaded , i unrar, put GPUs inside and start cracking.

Assuming i have just 300$ so what im asking is what is more worth? to have 8x Nvidia Tesla K80 running for 6 days or 8xNvidia Testla v100 for 20 Hours?. How i can check/calculate these?(depending on hash obviusly)

- 8x Nvidia Tesla K80 = 2.004,52 $  / month | 2,7 per hour

- 4x Nvidia Tesla P100 =  3.149,16 $ /month  | 4,3 $ per hour

-4x NVIDIA TESLA P100 Virtual workstation = 3.733,16 $ / month | 5,1$ / hour

- 8x Nvidia Tesla  V100 = 10.303,16$ /month  | 14,1$ per hour

-4x Nvidia Tesla P4 = 1500$ / month | 2,069$ per hour

-4x Nvidia Tesla P4 Virtual workstation = 2000$ / month | 2,869$ per hour

Another question is, i will change between servers alot, does hashcat creates the output file every it founds a hash? or when it finish all the procces? if its everytime it founds a hash i could rsync to my raspberry for have a updated file of output/folders.

And last question, is there any guide for Cracking in google cloud/creating instance/tips etc¿? thanks

PS: I also read thath google cloud request you to put some cash inside for see its a legit request(i read from 40-90$) these can be take from free credit? if not then im fucked.
The $300 free credit excludes you from using any GPUs at all. GPUs are only available as a paid feature.
(09-04-2018, 01:34 AM)MattSR Wrote: [ -> ]The $300 free credit excludes you from using any GPUs at all. GPUs are only available as a paid feature.
Are you  100% sure ?

Quota 'NVIDIA_P100_GPUS' exceeded. Limit: 1.0 in region us-east1.

I have 1 gpu limit right now

These is when i try to create a 4gpu Machine, but with 1 GPU the instance is created
1-They dont request me to accept any payment for the GPU= they cant charge me anything.
2- Im still in free trial account so i dont upgrade anything

And just choosing 1, it works. But thaths my limit. 1 GPU per instance.

I think what i cannot do is request a quota increase= 4gpu , but just 1 its fine.

What i have to figure out now its, what its more worth, to have

1x Nvidia testla P80 Running for 1 month

1x Nvidia tesla P100 running for 2 weeks


1x Nvidia testla V100 for 6 days.

With 1 free trial account i need to choose between thoose, in terms of time/eficiency, what you say its better? obviusly V100 is stronger but just for 6 days. idk....
Benchmark exists for Tesla K80 (quite old..) :
K80 is really slow.
(09-04-2018, 02:25 PM)Mem5 Wrote: [ -> ]Benchmark exists for Tesla K80 (quite old..) :
K80 is really slow.

i found for V100 its pretty good
(09-08-2018, 11:55 PM)Semp Wrote: [ -> ]... there's a few startup's offering very cheap 10 series GTX cards for rent.

Can you share any link?
(09-08-2018, 11:55 PM)Semp Wrote: [ -> ]I'd rather have access to the P80 for a month than just 6 days on a V100.

If you're looking for cheap GPU rentals there's a few startup's offering very cheap 10 series GTX cards for rent. I think most of them stem from the recent GPU mining crash. Can often pick up 1080ti's for less than $0.15/hr, attached to high end systems (dual Xeon's, tons of storage, etc.)

They're not free but are WAY cheaper than Google or AWS.

108$/month. 26$ per week 3.6$ per day. pretty insane if its true, would be insane if you share thath hosting/provider . thanks is what I use most of the time.

Vectordash is also pretty good, but more expensive.
(09-21-2018, 08:47 PM)Somp Wrote: [ -> ] is what I use most of the time.

Vectordash is also pretty good, but more expensive.

Were you able to run hashcat in ?

Because i faced clGetPlatformIDs(): CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR and even support could not help
Looks like you did not install Nvidia drivers.
Have a read:
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