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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Will oclhashcat-lite v0.8 work with HD7970 anyone test ??
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Hi I got question like in topic should oclhashcat-lite v0.8 work with HD7970 that will be in shop from 9.01.2012 anyone that got access test this or Atom can tell that should work or we need to wait new ocl version to support new AMD HD7970 cards?? ??
(01-06-2012, 12:45 AM)wgmmmx Wrote: [ -> ]Hi I got question like in topic should oclhashcat-lite v0.8 work with HD7970 that will be in shop from 9.01.2012 anyone that got access test this or Atom can tell that should work or we need to wait new ocl version to support new AMD HD7970 cards?? ??

It did not work.
Yes, i had it tested by one User who already got one of the cards. It crashed for some unknown reason. That might be related to an old driver i used for compiling or not. I will try to get one of these cards as soon as possible, but currently there is no shop where i can order it.
Hi, I have got a new HD7970 and W7-64 ready to burn it !, if you want to test it tell it to me.

Very good Job Atom, tnks.
