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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hybrid attack workload increase incase of small dic
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I've noticed in hybrid attacks the workload highly dependant on the amount of entries in the dictionary.
Take the following attack as example:

mask + wordlist

?l?l?l?l?l?l?l?l [8]

97 other domains...

Performance will be horrible. 100 seperate masks attacks would also be not very efficient.

My suggestion is the following. Munge a part of the mask into the rules to increase workload. So above example would become:

?l?l?l?l?l [5]

Depending on what hash mode you are using (or how many salts) you can increase the performance using -S
(12-21-2018, 12:36 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]Depending on what hash mode you are using (or how many salts) you can increase the performance using -S

When I tested on 5.1 -S was not supported for a hybrid attack.
And this is mostly an issue on fast algos so -S does not seem like a good solution to me
The best solution for cracking emails is to either use rules or -a 1 based attacks.
True, but there's plenty of emails that are crackable with masks/hybrid attacks (assuming a fast algo)

.edu emails are a great example since they're often short and following a specific format
What I meant is that if you use -a 1 you can do the same as what hybrid is doing while having the GPU running at full speed.