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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Extract all passwords from potfile
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Is there any way to either tell hashcat to run through all passwords inside of a potfile, no matter what hash it belongs to?
Or to extract all passwords from the potfile, once again no matter what hash it belongs to?

My potfile contains of 400k cracked hashes of 7 different types, i want to get all the 400k passwords from the potfile to create a wordlist.
I could probably just parse it using Excel, but it would take time and i was wondering if there is an actual command/way to do it quickly through hashcat.

Or at least making it run against all those passwords from potfile, no matter what hash it is.
So even if i'm using mode 2711 for vBulletin now, i want it to go against passwords that are attached to cracked SHA512 hashes.
perl -ne 'chomp; my @x=split ":"; print $x[-1], "\n";' hashcat.potfile > wordlist.txt

Then you can use wordlist.txt as wordlist
--show will be able to do this too with an empty wordlist
but you need an old hashcat version
that's incorrect.
--show only considers the hashes matching the current hash type and hash list (hash.txt):
hashcat -m 0 --show --outfile-format 2 hash.txt
(02-16-2019, 03:34 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]that's incorrect.
--show only considers the hashes matching the current hash type and hash list (hash.txt):
hashcat -m 0 --show --outfile-format 2 hash.txt

Yup, sorry. Didn't read the thread correctly