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hashcat Forum

Full Version: CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR - Windows 10 and GeForce 1060
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I decided to use the hashcat a bit. I can not run the hashcat on one of the computers. I receive the message:


Hashcat version: latest, today downloaded
Operating system: Windows 10 x64 - fully updated
Graphics card: Gigabyte GeForce 1060 G1 Gaming 3GB -
NVIDIA drivers - GeForce Game Ready Driver version 419.35 - the latest and current
Processor: Intel Core i5-8400

So why does the hashcat not work? Google does not suggest anything, usually this problem occurs on Linux. On another (worse) computer with AMD card worked without a problem.
I found a solution. Normal uninstalling of drivers and their reinstallation did not help. I used the "Display Driver Uninstaller" tool -
After reinstalling, everything started working.
Glad you solved it, also thanks you took the time to report back with the solution.