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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashcat Restore not working
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Hi. I was doing a dictionary attack and it ended with no success, i am trying to get to the message where it says that my list got Exchausted with no success. The problem is that my session.restore has been changed by hashcat to session.log. Can i show the dictionary attack results from session.log?
You cannot "restore" a session that is finished. You can open the .log with a text editor.
(03-26-2019, 06:58 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]You cannot "restore" a session that is finished. You can open the .log with a text editor.

Hello, I sthere any way for me to recreate the look of it after the attack. I need to do a screenshot but i forgot during the attack. This is for documentation purposes. The .log file is caotic and not much can be understood from it
There is no way. Screenshots are a stupid form of documentation.
(03-26-2019, 07:02 PM)undeath Wrote: [ -> ]There is no way. Screenshots are a stupid form of documentation.

I guess you learn a new thing every day  Smile