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hashcat Forum

Full Version: How to check if GPU REALLY is reference?!
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hey guys,
does someone know if it's possible to identify a GPU (specifically a GTX 1080) as reference/founders edition without looking at the fan/cooler?
i'm asking, cuz i'm about to buy a used gtx 1080 and the seller admits to having used it with watercooling and just recently put the original cooler back on.
so i was thinking:
is it technically possible, someone just buys an original cooler (~10bucks) and slaps it on a non-reference card to make it look like reference/FE and no one could ever tell the difference ?!?, guess i sound a little paranoid... but it's a lot of money for me... and i'm buying off the internet and people do crazy stuff on the internet... ^^

anyways, thanks in advance!
The original board design has NVIDIA printed on the bottom. The others don't.
Are reference cards even those ones mounted by PC markers, like Dell, as default on their systems?

[Image: 11d3e88196c4544488dc07.jpg]

BTW whats the difference in between Founders and Refecence?
the picture you posted is reference design. it matches flomac's description. reference = founders