Since hashcat & hashcat-plus use the same rule, why not distribute them as a separate file (or maybe with hashcat-utils) and place a symlink in hashcat/ and hashcat-plus/ to ../hashcat-utils/rules.
This way if someone is creating their own rules they only have to worry about one directory, instead of copying them, or manually setting up symlinks.
PS Is there anything like a symlink on Windows? I have no idea...
(01-17-2012, 06:48 AM)chort Wrote: [ -> ]Since hashcat & hashcat-plus use the same rule, why not distribute them as a separate file (or maybe with hashcat-utils) and place a symlink in hashcat/ and hashcat-plus/ to ../hashcat-utils/rules.
This way if someone is creating their own rules they only have to worry about one directory, instead of copying them, or manually setting up symlinks.
PS Is there anything like a symlink on Windows? I have no idea...
Seriously? Let me read it again and see if I understand it correctly...
(01-17-2012, 06:48 AM)chort Wrote: [ -> ]Since hashcat & hashcat-plus use the same rule, and I'm too lazy to just make a directory with rules and add it on the command line, can you do it for me? Basically what I am looking to do is just decompress the archive and then make hashcat do what I'm thinking. Could you also add telepathy so it will just do it on its own?
PS I didn't bother to search google for this question so answer it for me.
Telepathy would be awesome. Should write the feature request post, or will you do that for me too?
(01-17-2012, 06:48 AM)chort Wrote: [ -> ]Since hashcat & hashcat-plus use the same rule, why not distribute them as a separate file (or maybe with hashcat-utils) and place a symlink in hashcat/ and hashcat-plus/ to ../hashcat-utils/rules.
then there would be nothing to play with for the new users
Yeah, I thought about that.
Does 7za overwrite all the contents of a directory when it uncompresses an archive? Perhaps there could be two directories inside the hashcat & oclhashcat archives, one for the program, and one for rules. If you uncompress it will create ./hashcat and ./rules.
Or I guess I could keep rm -rf rules && ln -s ../oclhashcat-plus/rules . Oh well. Not a huge priority, just a minor annoyance.