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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Wordlist With mask hybrid Help.
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Not sure if im in the right forum, But all the others seem to be closed.

I have burned out all my wordlists on a .hccapx file and i now wish to go the HYBRID MASK + WORDLIST route

Could someebody tell me how i can use hashcat to do the follwing to my wordlist when i run them.

1. Change the 1st letter to a CAPITAL letterĀ 
2. add a run of 0-1000 on the end of the wordlist..

how would i code hashcat to do this.

thanks for any help.
You could generate a rule file using maskprocessor (, although there is only a rule to toggle the case at a given position, which obviously means you do not necessarily capitalize. This should be fine though, if you stick to the wordlists you already burned.

(04-10-2019, 01:41 PM)NoReply Wrote: [ -> ]You could generate a rule file using maskprocessor (, although there is only a rule to toggle the case at a given position, which obviously means you do not necessarily capitalize. This should be fine though, if you stick to the wordlists you already burned.


Thanks il look into it.