I've generated two hashes myself using SHA1 with NO salt value and put them in a file:
I then created a table file with the password these hashes were created from:
But hashcat never cracks them. I must not be choosing the right options. What am I doing wrong here?
The command line the GUI generates is: hashcat-cli64.exe --hash-mode 100 --output-file D:/hashes2-recovered.txt D:/hashes2.txt D:\dictionaries
One thing I noticed is that the output file and input files are using forward slashes instead of backslashes.
Really? How did you generate the hashes?
chort@hydra:~$ echo -n '12345' | sha1sum
8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964 -
chort@hydra:~$ echo -n '123456' | sha1sum
7c4a8d09ca3762af61e59520943dc26494f8941b -
yeah, looks like your sha1 generator isnt generating valid sha1 results.
These are generated using C# with the code below. I attached a screen shot too. I can't get my code to generate a string matching the ones you posted. I think the issue is encoding. I've tried all the available ones in the framework. It seems that hashcat assumes a specific encoding and any other encoding will cause it to fail. Can you post the source code for the way your generating your hashes?
private void btnCreateHash_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
txtHexUTF32.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF32);
txtHexUTF16.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.Unicode);
txtHexUTF8.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF8);
txtHexUTF7.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF7);
txtHexASCII.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.ASCII);
txtHexBigEndianUnicode.Text = HashPasswordAsHex(txtSource.Text, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode);
txtUTF32Base64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF32);
txtUTF16Base64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.Unicode);
txtUTF8Base64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF8);
txtUTF7Base64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.UTF7);
txtASCIIBase64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.ASCII);
txtBigEndianUnicodeBase64.Text = HashPasswordAsBase64(txtSource.Text, Encoding.BigEndianUnicode);
private string HashPasswordAsHex(string password, Encoding encoding)
using (HMACSHA1 hash = new HMACSHA1(encoding.GetBytes(password)))
return BytesToHex(hash.ComputeHash(encoding.GetBytes(password)));
private string HashPasswordAsBase64(string password, Encoding encoding)
using (HMACSHA1 hash = new HMACSHA1(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password)))
return Convert.ToBase64String(hash.ComputeHash(Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(password)));
private static string BytesToHex(byte[] toConvert)
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(toConvert.Length * 2);
foreach (byte b in toConvert)
return s.ToString();
root@sf:~/oclHashcat-plus-0.08# echo -n '12345' | sha1sum
8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964 -
After a lot of testing this is either a text encoding problem or a logic mismatch in SHA1 algorithm implementations between Windows and Linux.
For a windows OS the strings I've posted are valid and confirmed by many other applications I've downloaded and tested using SHA1.
I hope its just a text encoding issue but I'm not certain of how or if its even possible to map the windows Windows-1252 text encoding to match the Linux encoding that this program can digest. I looped through every single encoding on Windows 7, roughly 80 different ones, and none of them remotely matched the strings that are being generated on your linux/unix boxes for the value '12345'.
Linux - 8cb2237d0679ca88db6464eac60da96345513964
Windows 7 (UTF8) - 1cba6360d8b03617fb7b33443596691b6e90006c
Windows 7 (UTF16) - 40e5cdd056f635757c9df10b27d0e12ffd30c4db
there is not algorithm implementation difference in linux and windows. thing is, passwords are usually not stored in utf8 / utf16. if you want to crack utf8 passwords you have to use hex-charsets. but i think this is not what you want to do.
I think your basing those two statements on nothing.. Both sql server and oracle have a nchar and nvarchar(2) which are both unicode data types which are both widely used at every company I've consulted for. .Net's algorithm is written by Microsoft which is clearly not the same group who wrote the linux version. So yes there could be a small or even large difference between the code bases.
And drum roll... I just found the answer. I was using a class called HMACSHA1 to generate the hashes. I found another SHA-1 class called SHA1Managed which
DOES produce the the same exact string your linux box is spitting out
and it is in UTF-8. So the bottom line is that Hashcat knows nothing about HMACSHA1 yet.
Whoever owns this codebase may want to head over to:
https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/...raphy.aspx and check out the various .Net cryptography classes. It would be great if hashcat handled the various hashing methods out of the box.
thats right, hashcat does not support HMAC for sha1 or md5. they are rarely requested. actually you are the first who asks for it.