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hashcat Forum

Full Version: how to read wordlist with separator :
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I would like a support.

How can I make the wordlist be read user:pass

And let her check both possibilities.

I tryed this >

hashcat64.exe -w 3 -m 0 --username --force ComboEncrypted.txt -p : wordlist -O

but no worked
I would like you to not use a big font. I do need glasses to see properly but luckily it's not as bad.

To answer your question: It's not supported and most likely never will.
Sorry, I thought that would make it better.
Is there any way to do what I want to do differently?
sed 's/^[^:]*://' user_word.txt > word.txt
more like
sed 's/^\([^:]*\):\(.*\)$/\1\n\2/' user_word.txt > all.txt
if you really need both, you could just replace the : with new lines:
sed 's/:/\n/' user_word.txt > all.txt

undeath edit: ok, you win