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hashcat Forum

Full Version: scrypt hash format
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Does hashcat support hashes in the formatĀ 

Note, this particular hash is from the 2019 Crack me if you Can competition, which is the first time I've encountered scrypt hashes.

I don't see hashes of this format on the page, but possibly this can be trivially transformed in to one that is there?

You have to reformat the hashes for cracking with hascat. Hashcat's format is SCRYPT:n:r:p:salt:hash

salt and hash are base64-encoded. I think hashcat only supports hash lengths of 32 bytes. You have to truncate the hash value to 32 bytes in the case of cmiyc hashes.
Example method - script by atom.


use strict;
use warnings;
use MIME::Base64;

while (my $line = <>)
  chomp $line;

  my @data = split '\$', $line;

  if ($data[5] ne 64)
    die "invalid\n";

  my ($user, undef) = split '\:', $data[0];

  my $hash_bin = decode_base64($data[6]);

  my $hash_trunc = encode_base64(substr($hash_bin, 0, 32), "");

  my $salt_enc = encode_base64 ($data[1], "");

  printf ("%s:SCRYPT:%d:%d:%d:%s:%s\n", $user, 1<<$data[2], $data[3], $data[4], $salt_enc, $hash_trunc);
