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hashcat Forum

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Hi,  i am new to hashcat and encountered problem with the hash file.   

I have the following encryption details about an MS Excel file (hash value masked).   Would someone help to provide hints on how to formulate the correct hashfile for feeding to the command?

Many thanks. 

@<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>

<encryption xmlns="" xmlns:p=""><keyData saltSize="16" blockSize="16" keyBits="128" hashSize="20" cipherAlgorithm="AES" cipherChaining="ChainingModeCBC" hashAlgorithm="SHA1" saltValue="ZzzzzXWwXqRmy25MJ99Wg=="/><dataIntegrity encryptedHmacKey="ZzzzzzThci72rH/f3Dlik67i6CjaI4QchJaddLMhHuQ=" encryptedHmacValue="+ZzzzzzsGEkbmy8jCw/WjgdN/NXgHfXLPUHHxXs21d8="/><keyEncryptors><keyEncryptor uri=""><p:encryptedKey spinCount="100000" saltSize="16" blockSize="16" keyBits="128" hashSize="20" cipherAlgorithm="AES" cipherChaining="ChainingModeCBC" hashAlgorithm="SHA1" saltValue="Zzzzzhu9SfCUQw4hu8JlQ==" encryptedVerifierHashInput="ZzzzzYW020MSTLA/QZ77g==" encryptedVerifierHashValue="ZzzzzzYbpUkIT/nTgU1CguV0uPN80KWz6cSbLncvqi4=" encryptedKeyValue="ZzzzzdEhisrCKJlgsTTdA=="/></keyEncryptor></keyEncryptors></encryption>
extracting hash from MS Excel file can be done by reading this part of the wiki: