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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Rule debug to found plain
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Hello there,
Is there a way to generate a debug that tell's you what rule and word from dictionary creates the found plain.

Cheers Kev
--debug-mode 4 --debug-file rule_debug.txt

(see --help)
(10-18-2019, 08:19 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]--debug-mode 4 --debug-file rule_debug.txt

(see --help)
Hi there I tried the mode 4 and it only shows this
[ c $!
$1 $0 $0
^S $1 $2 $3
s07 ^5 sS'
No original word or new found . Im I doing something wrong?  --debug-mode=4 --debug-file matched.rule
it's appending to the file. you need to check the last lines or create a different file name

what is your command ?
just use --debug-file rule_debug512.txt
or some random new file
(10-18-2019, 09:47 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]it's appending to the file. you need to check the last lines or create a different file name

what is your command ?
just use --debug-file rule_debug512.txt
or some random new file
I think its working now . Will let you know peeps. Cheers Kev