11-01-2019, 11:54 PM
Hi all,
I generate a TOTP PIN thanks to python lib, using 'hashcat' password.
test.hash contains PIN + timestamp:
using hashcat-5.1.0+1409
Thanks for your help.
I generate a TOTP PIN thanks to python lib, using 'hashcat' password.
import pyotp
# base32_encode(hashcat) = NBQXG2DDMF2A====
totp = pyotp.TOTP("NBQXG2DDMF2A====")
Quote:915418:1572603245I launch:
Quote:hashcat -m 18100 -a 3 -o res.txt test.hash ?l?l?l?l?l?l?lStatus : cracked, result is :
Quote:base32_decode(MJQXE3TDNZYA====) = barncnpwhich is not the password 'hashcat'..
using hashcat-5.1.0+1409
Thanks for your help.