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hashcat Forum

Full Version: two-key triple DES
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Hey guys,
can hashcat help me with two-key triple DES (K1=K3) in any way?
I know the PT and of course the CT but literally nothing about the key. Only it is 2 x 56 = 112 bits. 

Any help much appreciated. Thanks!

(12-10-2019, 07:53 PM)MrLampe Wrote: [ -> ]Only it is 2 x 56 = 112 bits.

I don't know what kind of hardware you have available but with my GPU (GTX 1060) bruteforcing 112 bit on DES 14000 would take about 1.6x10^16 years at 10 GH/s.

>>> (2**112 / (10000 * 1000 * 1000)) / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365
thank you very much for your answer.
I have possibilities to get my hands on HPC machines. But for the first step I need to evaluate my tools. :-) ATM I really don't understand the syntax for two key 3DES in hashcat.

My answer should have made you realise that no matter what hardware you have, there is no way you are going to crack a 112bit DES key.
I need this Key very bad so there must be a way. Big Grin

Isn't this User asking the exact same question?
Seems like there is a possible solution?

Is it possible to attempt to crack this with hashcat? yes
Is it possible to test even a reasonably sized subset of the keyspace with hashcat? no