Hi all,
I've got a grouped pcap file of about 11 Wifi PMKID captures.
I've run this with Hashcat and cracked a couple with the below:
./hashcat64 -m 16800 -o .\output\results.txt .\handshakes\all.pmkid .\wordlist\1stAttackWordlist.txt
The results in the output file are like:
Why doesn't Hashcat save the SSID with it, or how can I tell what cracked hash belongs to which SSID?
Any help appreciated.
the SSID is within the output, CamandAri is the SSID
hint: hexadecimal
(01-12-2020, 09:08 AM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]the SSID is within the output, CamandAri is the SSID
hint: hexadecimal
Ahh awesome thanks, yes I can see it if I convert it from hexadecimal to text. Would be nice if Hashcat added the SSID in plain text with the password at the end.
But cheers, thanks for the help
Are you running an older version of hashcat?
$ hashcat -V
potfile: PMK * ESSID : PSK
That is exactly the result of the PBKDF2 calculation. It is no longer necessary to pay the price (PBKDF2 calculation time) again if we have a PMK. That will save us GPU time. Also, the calculated PMKs can be used on hashmode 2501, 16801 and 22001 in case we have hashes using the same SALT (ESSID). That will save us more GPU time.
outfile (-o) - only hexyfied if necessary, otherwise in ASCII: MAC_AP : MAC_STA : ESSID : PSK
That is human readable and contain detailed information about the content of the hash.
Print ESSIDs from all.pmkid:
cat all.pmkid | cut -f 4 -d : | sed 's/\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\x\1/gI' | xargs -n 1 echo -e
Print ESSIDs from results.txt:
cat results.txt | cut -f 4 -d \* | sed 's/\([0-9a-f]\{2\}\)/\\\\\\x\1/gI' | xargs -n 1 echo -e
(01-12-2020, 09:26 AM)sudo_overflow Wrote: [ -> ]Would be nice if Hashcat added the SSID in plain text with the password at the end.
Don't think so. What about non-printable ESSID characters? That's why hashcat uses hex.