############### MultiBit ###############
# - MultiBit .key backup files
# - MultiDoge .key backup files
# - Bitcoin Wallet for Android/BlackBerry v3.47+ wallet backup files
# - Bitcoin Wallet for Android/BlackBerry v2.24 and older key backup files
# - Bitcoin Wallet for Android/BlackBerry v2.3 - v3.46 key backup files
# - KnC for Android key backup files (same as the above)
class WalletMultiBit(object):
class __metaclass__(type):
def data_extract_id(cls): return b"mb"
# MultiBit private key backup file (not the wallet file)
def is_wallet_file(wallet_file):
try: data = base64.b64decode([:12])
except TypeError: return False
return data.startswith(b"Salted__")
def __init__(self, loading = False):
assert loading, 'use load_from_* to create a ' + self.__class__.__name__
aes_library_name = load_aes256_library().__name__
self._passwords_per_second = 100000 if aes_library_name == "Crypto" else 5000
def __setstate__(self, state):
# (re-)load the required libraries after being unpickled
self.__dict__ = state
def passwords_per_seconds(self, seconds):
return max(int(round(self._passwords_per_second * seconds)), 1)
# Load a Multibit private key backup file (the part of it we need)
def load_from_filename(cls, privkey_filename):
with open(privkey_filename) as privkey_file:
# Multibit privkey files contain base64 text split into multiple lines;
# we need the first 48 bytes after decoding, which translates to 64 before.
data = b"".join( # join multiple lines into one
if len(data) < 64: raise EOFError("Expected at least 64 bytes of text in the MultiBit private key file")
data = base64.b64decode(data[:64])
assert data.startswith(b"Salted__"), "WalletBitcoinCore.load_from_filename: file starts with base64 'Salted__'"
if len(data) < 48: raise EOFError("Expected at least 48 bytes of decoded data in the MultiBit private key file")
self = cls(loading=True)
self._encrypted_block = data[16:48] # the first two 16-byte AES blocks
self._salt = data[8:16]
return self
# Import a MultiBit private key that was extracted by
def load_from_data_extract(cls, privkey_data):
assert len(privkey_data) == 24
print(prog + ": WARNING: read the Usage for MultiBit Classic section of before proceeding", file=sys.stderr)
self = cls(loading=True)
self._encrypted_block = privkey_data[8:] # a single 16-byte AES block
self._salt = privkey_data[:8]
return self
def difficulty_info(self):
return "3 MD5 iterations"
# This is the time-consuming function executed by worker thread(s). It returns a tuple: if a password
# is correct return it, else return False for item 0; return a count of passwords checked for item 1
assert b"1" < b"9" < b"A" < b"Z" < b"a" < b"z" # the b58 check below assumes ASCII ordering in the interest of speed
def return_verified_password_or_false(self, orig_passwords):
# Copy a few globals into local for a small speed boost
l_md5 = hashlib.md5
l_aes256_cbc_decrypt = aes256_cbc_decrypt
encrypted_block = self._encrypted_block
salt = self._salt
# Convert Unicode strings (lazily) to UTF-16 bytestrings, truncating each code unit to 8 bits
if tstr == unicode:
passwords = itertools.imap(lambda p: p.encode("utf_16_le", "ignore")[::2], orig_passwords)
passwords = orig_passwords
for count, password in enumerate(passwords, 1):
salted = password + salt
key1 = l_md5(salted).digest()
key2 = l_md5(key1 + salted).digest()
iv = l_md5(key2 + salted).digest()
b58_privkey = l_aes256_cbc_decrypt(key1 + key2, iv, encrypted_block[:16])
# (all this may be fragile, e.g. what if comments or whitespace precede what's expected in future versions?)
if b58_privkey[0] in b"LK5Q\x0a#":
# Does it look like a base58 private key (MultiBit, MultiDoge, or oldest-format Android key backup)?
if b58_privkey[0] in b"LK5Q": # private keys always start with L, K, or 5, or for MultiDoge Q
for c in b58_privkey[1:]:
# If it's outside of the base58 set [1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z], break
if c > b"z" or c < b"1" or b"9" < c < b"A" or b"Z" < c < b"a" or c in b"IOl":
# If the loop above doesn't break, it's base58-looking so far
# If another AES block is available, decrypt and check it as well to avoid false positives
if len(encrypted_block) >= 32:
b58_privkey = l_aes256_cbc_decrypt(key1 + key2, encrypted_block[:16], encrypted_block[16:32])
for c in b58_privkey:
if c > b"z" or c < b"1" or b"9" < c < b"A" or b"Z" < c < b"a" or c in b"IOl":
break # not base58
# If the loop above doesn't break, it's base58; we've found it
return orig_passwords[count-1], count
# (when no second block is available, there's a 1 in 300 billion false positive rate here)
return orig_passwords[count - 1], count
# Does it look like a bitcoinj protobuf (newest Bitcoin for Android backup)
elif b58_privkey[2:6] == b"org." and b58_privkey[0] == b"\x0a" and ord(b58_privkey[1]) < 128:
for c in b58_privkey[6:14]:
# If it doesn't look like a lower alpha domain name of len >= 8 (e.g. 'bitcoin.'), break
if c > b"z" or (c < b"a" and c != b"."):
# If the loop above doesn't break, it looks like a domain name; we've found it
return orig_passwords[count - 1], count
# Does it look like a KnC for Android key backup?
elif b58_privkey == b"# KEEP YOUR PRIV":
return orig_passwords[count-1], count
return False, count