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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Need help with cracking a blockchain wallet version 2
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okay sorry, it's rules\best64.rule

hashcat.exe -m 15200 -a 0 -w 3 -r rules\best64.rule hash.txt dict.txt
Okay this worked and it cracked. So I have to try this with my wallet. Thanks
How do I use this to crack my wallet hash if I can't guess the possible password ? I have made use of my possible word list and it doesn't seems to work.
rules\best64.txt: No such file or directory

check your spelling, .txt  is not the same as .rule


As for your password, if you don't remember specifics about it then it'll take forever to crack. IF you know it was say 1 of 10 words which may be capitalized and have say 2 digits at the end with a special character or something similar brute forcing wallets is not feasible. If hashcat is coming up as exhausted obviously the passwords you are attempting are not the correct ones.
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