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    Thread: Issues with using charset masks
Post: RE: Issues with using charset masks

I knew it was going to be something as simple as that, I did actually think and try that the other day but it didn't seem to do anything. Suffice to say I just tried it again and it did in fact work p...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 2 4,829 06-09-2016, 01:57 AM
    Thread: Issues with using charset masks
Post: Issues with using charset masks

Hi all, I'm having issues with Hashcat masks. Basically i'm running a WPA Virgin media keyspace using masks as they use lower case minus i & o and to run the 1st letter and then the other 7 spaces is ...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 2 4,829 06-08-2016, 11:18 PM
    Thread: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Which part is used by hashcat to crack?
Post: RE: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Whic...

Yes I got that, thanks. I somehow managed to get a full 4 way handshake from the AP, never managed to before so i've followed your directions and stripped the beacon & 4 way handshake frames and conve...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 7 16,409 02-22-2015, 10:06 AM
    Thread: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Which part is used by hashcat to crack?
Post: RE: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Whic...

fonzy35 Wrote: (02-22-2015, 06:51 AM) -- wireshark the cap file, then you see the beacon that broadcast the SSID, mark toggle that beacon, then filter eapol, mark toggle the eapol 1 and 2 in sequence...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 7 16,409 02-22-2015, 08:17 AM
    Thread: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Which part is used by hashcat to crack?
Post: RE: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Whic...

So the beacon should be with those packets I take it? Would somebody mind taking a quick look at this cap file and let me know if all is there to continue cracking with oclhashcat please? I'm guessing...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 7 16,409 02-21-2015, 10:14 PM
    Thread: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Which part is used by hashcat to crack?
Post: Which parts of 4 way handshake is needed? Which pa...

As the topic suggests really, how many parts and which parts of the 4 way handshake is needed by hashcat to crack WPA/2 and what does hashcat use to crack WPA/2. I only have parts 1, 2 & 3 of the 4 wa...
h4x0rm1k3 Old oclHashcat Support 7 16,409 02-21-2015, 03:33 AM