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    Thread: Water cooled r9 290x x2 for hash
Post: RE: Water cooled r9 290x x2 for hash

watercooling isn't very popular in this community, so you probably won't get much help with that here. why do you want to run them on water when they run so cool on air to begin with? you shouldn't...
epixoip Hardware 2 5,801 06-23-2014, 01:17 PM
    Thread: way to distribute cracking ?
Post: RE: way to distribute cracking ?

The hardware and underlying software are primarily responsible for speed. The wrapper's role with regards to speed is fairly minimal, in that it needs to perform efficiently to minimize the overheard ...
epixoip General Talk 10 14,897 07-02-2017, 12:39 PM
    Thread: way to distribute cracking ?
Post: RE: way to distribute cracking ?

soxrok2212 Wrote: (07-02-2017, 03:45 PM) -- epixoip, 6.5TH at 99.2% efficiency are some really crazy numbers. -- Hashstack - It's Hashcat on Catnip!™ :)
epixoip General Talk 10 14,897 07-02-2017, 07:44 PM
    Thread: way to distribute cracking ?
Post: RE: way to distribute cracking ?

Single hash NTLM brute force. We usually use NTLM when advertising cluster speeds since it's most relevant to pentesters & blue teams.
epixoip General Talk 10 14,897 07-16-2017, 06:29 AM
    Thread: We have the cards, now what?
Post: RE: We have the cards, now what?

You said you bought 4x 1070 FE, but the GPUs you listed at the bottom of your post are not FE. Moreover I don't see any justification for putting 128 GB of RAM into a quad-GPU system. And I also see n...
epixoip Hardware 5 7,414 01-03-2017, 10:39 PM
    Thread: We have the cards, now what?
Post: RE: We have the cards, now what?

If you're going to get quotes for a professionally-built system, it might behoove you to get a quote from a company that actually sells password cracking rigs, instead of from companies that just buil...
epixoip Hardware 5 7,414 01-04-2017, 06:53 AM
    Thread: We NEED your help!
Post: RE: We NEED your help!

maybe use a string instead of an integer. use standard names for the well-known algorithms (raw-md5, md5crypt, etc), and come up with a logical naming convention for the lesser-known algorithms (like ...
epixoip General Help 10 20,016 09-22-2013, 10:45 PM
    Thread: We NEED your help!
Post: RE: We NEED your help!

bash completion would be awesome
epixoip General Help 10 20,016 09-23-2013, 03:26 AM
    Thread: WebEdition CMS
Post: RE: WebEdition CMS

In the interim you can manually md5 all of your usernames and then just crack them with -m 10. Code: -- epixoip@token:~/oclHashcat-plus-0.09$ printf epixoip | md5sum 7425755ff6e2d03b5549bda4924...
epixoip Feature Requests 2 7,852 11-19-2012, 07:29 AM
    Thread: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?
Post: RE: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?

No, it's not a nice choice at all. The R9 Nano is a piece of shit, stay far away from it. Don't buy into AMD's lies about low power consumption. You said you had a HD7990 and it had insane power usag...
epixoip Hardware 10 14,111 12-22-2015, 08:21 AM
    Thread: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?
Post: RE: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?

You'll likely be fine with the mini if you want to go that route. Normally I'm vehemently opposed to OEM design cards, but the GTX 970 is kind of the exception to the rule for two reasons, 1. The r...
epixoip Hardware 10 14,111 12-24-2015, 09:36 PM
    Thread: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?
Post: RE: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?

There's no official release date for Pascal. Everything that is out there is all rumors and speculation. And "a lot faster" at pushing pixels rarely translates into faster for password cracking -- we ...
epixoip Hardware 10 14,111 12-26-2015, 09:51 AM
    Thread: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?
Post: RE: What about R9 Nano? Benchmarks?

Not necessarily. Floating point operations are handled by the FPUs, not the ALUs. Each CUDA core currently has one FPU and one ALU (referred to in the diagram below as the "FP unit and "INT unit.") ...
epixoip Hardware 10 14,111 12-27-2015, 12:03 AM
    Thread: What am I missing?
Post: RE: What am I missing?

looks like you're using the wrong driver. need to use catalyst 12.8. if you're going to use catalyst 12.10, then you need to stop x11 and run hashcat as root.
epixoip Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 10 16,758 11-04-2012, 03:25 AM
    Thread: What am I missing?
Post: RE: What am I missing?

Is fglrx loaded? What does clinfo show?
epixoip Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 10 16,758 11-11-2012, 10:13 AM
    Thread: What am I missing?
Post: RE: What am I missing?

grepping through dmesg actually only proves that it was loaded at one time since last reboot, it doesn't show that it's still loaded. for future reference, ''grep fglrx /proc/modules'' or ''lsmod | gr...
epixoip Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 10 16,758 11-11-2012, 12:06 PM
    Thread: What attack to use?
Post: RE: What attack to use?

You used the word "combination" in your post twice. That's a pretty big hint for what attack you want to run ;)
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 14 15,431 01-22-2016, 06:57 AM
    Thread: What attack to use?
Post: RE: What attack to use?

look at combinator.bin and combinator3.bin from hashcat-utils
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 14 15,431 01-22-2016, 11:21 AM
    Thread: What attack to use?
Post: RE: What attack to use?

Your thinking is too narrow. Let's say you wanted to do 3-way combinations of your 18-word wordlist (we'll call it 18words.txt). You have a couple different options. Option 1: Code: -- ./combinato...
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 14 15,431 01-22-2016, 10:03 PM
    Thread: What attack to use?
Post: RE: What attack to use?

Umm.. no? If you were to combine 18words.txt 18-fold you'd end up with a file that's like 500M petabytes in size and you'd generate passwords that were 36-144 characters in length. So not only would i...
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 14 15,431 01-23-2016, 12:17 AM