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    Thread: AMD RX480 performance?
Post: RE: AMD RX480 performance?

So it's like a 290X but with even greater risk of catching your house on fire. Cool.
epixoip Hardware 18 38,800 07-20-2016, 06:56 PM
    Thread: AMD to Retire Catalyst
Post: RE: AMD to Retire Catalyst

It doesn't mean anything for us afaik.
epixoip General Talk 1 4,223 11-02-2015, 11:56 PM
    Thread: amd Vega
Post: RE: amd Vega

I don't think AMD has released any firm specs for any Vega GPUs, but if the past 3 years have taught us anything, it's almost certainly just more garbage from a flailing company with no cash for prope...
epixoip Hardware 1 3,312 12-18-2016, 11:30 AM
    Thread: amd-gpu-pro update
Post: RE: amd-gpu-pro update

BettyBoop51 Wrote: (02-07-2017, 01:17 AM) -- Is it time to try to sell my AMD card to buy a Nvidia? -- The time to switch from AMD to Nvidia was 2.5 years ago.
epixoip General Talk 35 48,975 02-07-2017, 01:47 AM
    Thread: Amplifier - what is it?
Post: RE: Amplifier - what is it?

In order to gain acceleration when using compute devices such as GPUs, we have to actually give the device some work to do -- hashing alone is usually not enough to gain acceleration. For most formats...
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 3 6,382 02-29-2016, 02:10 PM
    Thread: An idea for using CPU hash cracking with hashtopus
Post: RE: An idea for using CPU hash cracking with hasht...

1. This is the Hashcat forums, not the Hashtopus forums. 2. GPU Ocelot is a dead project, hasn't been touched in 4+ years (2.1 released Sept 2011) 3. OpenCL can already run on CPU, and if you're...
epixoip User Contributions 1 5,252 01-13-2016, 02:43 AM
    Thread: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...
Post: RE: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...

yep, cuda dropped support for sm_10, tried loading the kernel as sm_11, and that failed. gpu is simply too old.
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 5 12,126 10-13-2014, 02:17 PM
    Thread: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...
Post: RE: Another cuModuleLoad() 209 error thread...

that thread you linked to is from almost 3 years ago. sm_10 was dropped in cuda 6.0, and the rest of sm_1x are being dropped in 6.5. see
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 5 12,126 10-13-2014, 07:41 PM
    Thread: Another gpu question
Post: RE: Another gpu question

Correct, it is not a reference card, it is an OEM design based on the old GTX 670 reference design. Furthermore, the old "if it has 'GAMING' in the title it's not reference design" line really applies...
epixoip Hardware 5 7,598 12-04-2015, 09:53 AM
    Thread: Another one tries to build a Server
Post: RE: Another one tries to build a Server

I'd HIGHLY recommend the GTX 980 over the 280X, especially since the 280X is not available in reference design and you WILL have massive cooling problems using 4x OEM-design cards that close together ...
epixoip Hardware 4 8,322 11-13-2014, 06:39 PM
    Thread: Another one tries to build a Server
Post: RE: Another one tries to build a Server

You can go with 290X if you'd like, sure.
epixoip Hardware 4 8,322 11-14-2014, 12:24 AM
    Thread: Antminer U1 1.6GH/s with Hashcat
Post: RE: Antminer U1 1.6GH/s with Hashcat

epixoip Old hashcat Support 2 6,048 07-22-2014, 08:52 AM
    Thread: Any available rented gpu power?
Post: RE: Any available rented gpu power?

correct, EC2 is extremely poor Perf/$ and bitcoin/litecoin asics will not work. however, as of right now, there aren't really any other options for renting GPU servers. so you're pretty much stuck ...
epixoip General Help 4 8,266 12-07-2014, 12:46 PM
    Thread: Any difference between the following two masks
Post: RE: Any difference between the following two masks

You're missing the fact that oclHashcat uses markov mode everywhere masks are used unless you disable it with --markov-disable. So no it won't use those characters in that order. This is covered on t...
epixoip Old oclHashcat Support 2 4,140 01-08-2016, 12:50 PM
    Thread: Any workaround to progress saving for mask attack to restore file?
Post: RE: Any workaround to progress saving for mask att...

Your -n value is too high.
epixoip General Help 1 3,611 08-14-2015, 11:05 PM
    Thread: Anyone vetted Gray Matters cases / risers?
Post: RE: Anyone vetted Gray Matters cases / risers?

Search the forums, I've been very critical of them but they've worked okay for others.
epixoip Hardware 3 4,035 02-23-2017, 05:51 AM
    Thread: Anyone vetted Gray Matters cases / risers?
Post: RE: Anyone vetted Gray Matters cases / risers?

Probably because you searched for "gray matters" instead of "graymatter"?
epixoip Hardware 3 4,035 02-23-2017, 08:31 AM
    Thread: append a WORD in rules..
Post: RE: append a WORD in rules..

This is what the combinator attack is designed for, but you can use rules if you really want to. The way you identified using single-char append is the only way to do it.
epixoip Old hashcat Support 7 12,045 03-02-2015, 12:48 PM
    Thread: Appending Last Char Mask
Post: RE: Appending Last Char Mask

why are you asking about SL3? your question was vague and not clear.
epixoip Very old oclHashcat-lite Support 5 10,071 01-02-2013, 11:34 PM
    Thread: Apples Password Helper
Post: RE: Apples Password Helper

You hijacked someone else's thread by posting your own question on someone else's question. This is against the forum rules, and also why your question was split out into a separate thread. No, Has...
epixoip Old hashcat Support 6 10,925 03-11-2015, 11:14 AM