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    Thread: [Solved]cudaHashcat64 and hashlist
Post: RE: cudaHashcat64 and hashlist

Are you using the latest version?
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 4 7,532 05-05-2015, 04:11 PM
    Thread: [Solved]cudaHashcat64 and hashlist
Post: RE: cudaHashcat64 and hashlist

use the latest version.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 4 7,532 05-05-2015, 04:38 PM
    Thread: TrueCrypt Boot 7.1a Hash Extraction
Post: RE: TrueCrypt Boot 7.1a Hash Extraction

I'm not sure if pre-boot authentication is even supported.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 5 10,117 05-11-2015, 06:16 PM
    Thread: I should have posted my own thread
Post: RE: oclHashcat64.bin stopped after update with r9 ...

vcl is not supported since some time as far as I'm aware.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 5 7,553 05-24-2015, 11:31 PM
    Thread: Yet another "No hashes loaded"
Post: RE: Yet another "No hashes loaded"

are you using the correct mode?
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 3 10,197 05-25-2015, 01:54 AM
    Thread: oclHashcat bruteforce
Post: RE: oclHashcat bruteforce

the question mark has to be in front of the mask letter.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 12 19,274 05-25-2015, 03:37 PM
    Thread: Where was the thread about re-using cudaHashcat.dictstat?
Post: RE: Where was the thread about re-using cudaHashca...

dictstat files are created per dict.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 4 6,614 05-25-2015, 11:17 PM
    Thread: wpa &wpa2
Post: RE: wpa &wpa2

something's wrong with your setup. According to this benchmark ( a single Titan X should archive ~280k/s
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 9 16,755 05-28-2015, 11:08 AM
    Thread: Problem trying the example .pccap file + my wifi
Post: RE: Problem trying the example .pccap file + my wi...

You can run oclhashcat with --show
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 6 8,358 05-29-2015, 02:40 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat on desktop apu and decryt
Post: RE: oclHashcat on desktop apu and decryt

what error are you getting and why do you use --force?
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 4 6,353 06-01-2015, 11:05 PM
    Thread: Can you use oclHashcat to generate rainbow tables?
Post: RE: Can you use oclHashcat to generate rainbow tab...

A rainbow table is something very different from a list of hashes. Besides, no, you can't.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 5 13,161 06-09-2015, 10:32 AM
    Thread: Can you use oclHashcat to generate rainbow tables?
Post: RE: Can you use oclHashcat to generate rainbow tab...
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 5 13,161 06-09-2015, 10:04 PM
    Thread: HashCat failes to bruteforce crack a known hash.
Post: RE: HashCat failes to bruteforce crack a known has...

your mask is for numeric candidates only
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 2 5,398 06-11-2015, 05:30 PM
    Thread: bug in oclhashcat 1.36???
Post: RE: bug in oclhashcat 1.36???

You are appending "X" to the right-hand word. Maybe use -k?
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 9 11,370 06-13-2015, 06:16 PM
    Thread: bug in oclhashcat 1.36???
Post: RE: bug in oclhashcat 1.36???

oh crap, my alphabet has a different order than everyone elses'. Testing. works for me on cudahashcat 1.37 beta Code: -- ./cudaHashcat64.bin -m0 -a1 $(echo -n axa | md5sum | cut -c-32) /tmp/a /tmp/a...
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 9 11,370 06-13-2015, 06:40 PM
    Thread: Best card for Descrypt and md5apr1
Post: RE: Best card for Descrypt and md5apr1

you are outdated.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 8 11,867 06-15-2015, 12:48 PM
    Thread: Best card for Descrypt and md5apr1
Post: RE: Best card for Descrypt and md5apr1

well, you can get a single GTX 970 for ~330€ which is your initial budget.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 8 11,867 06-15-2015, 01:26 PM
    Thread: Trying to benchmark, computer restarts, Ubuntu 14.04
Post: RE: Trying to benchmark, computer restarts, Ubuntu...

You roughly need 400W for powering each card alone. That's without the other system components. Also your power supply should not have more than 85% utilization in total.
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 7 13,805 06-18-2015, 12:41 PM
    Thread: 82141 H/s max for r9 270?
Post: RE: 82141 H/s max for r9 270?

combinations: 1099511627776 necessary c/s to crack in two days: 1099511627776/60/60/24/2 = 6362914.5 a Nvidia Titan X archives ~315 kH/s (according to this benchmark:
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 4 8,273 06-20-2015, 04:25 PM
    Thread: Very large dict (naxxatoe) - hashing stops
Post: RE: Very large dict (naxxatoe) - hashing stops

what did the rejection rate do?
undeath Old oclHashcat Support 5 10,558 06-21-2015, 06:46 PM