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    Thread: Maskprocesor with many arguments
Post: RE: Maskprocesor with many arguments

Hi, e.g. mp64.exe "pass?d?d" "pass2?d?d" "pass3?d?d" -o f:\wordlist wordlist looks like this: pass01 ... pass99 without pass2 and pass3
stooq General Help 7 9,341 11-08-2014, 07:13 PM
    Thread: Maskprocesor with many arguments
Post: RE: Maskprocesor with many arguments

yea.. a loop in a windows, god joke - spider pig, spider pig does whatever a spider pig does! :) but I mean, I need to use mask with multiple words... like in example mp64.exe "password?d?d" "pass?...
stooq General Help 7 9,341 11-08-2014, 11:27 PM
    Thread: Maskprocesor with many arguments
Post: RE: Maskprocesor with many arguments

This or other way, thanks guys. I solve the problem using for loop in a linux.
stooq General Help 7 9,341 11-09-2014, 10:24 PM
    Thread: Maskprocesor with many arguments
Post: Maskprocesor with many arguments

Hi, I would like to use maskprosesor like this: mp64 word1 word2 ... word1024 some.rule -o /file My questions is it possible to use more then 1 word for argument?
stooq General Help 7 9,341 11-08-2014, 06:45 PM