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    Thread: oclHashcat-plus64 fglrx problem
Post: RE: oclHashcat-plus64 fglrx problem

baspax11 Wrote: (04-22-2013, 05:08 PM) -- how can i see what drivers i have? -- You will have the open source drivers out of the box. You might want to just brush up on general administration: ...
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 8 16,082 04-22-2013, 05:13 PM
    Thread: Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfiles|directories]
Post: RE: Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfi...

>hashcat-cli32.exe -a 3 -m 1000 -o D:\output.txt --output-format=0 D:\hash.txt ?l?l?l?l?l?l
unix-ninja Old hashcat Support 7 17,002 02-27-2013, 11:27 PM
    Thread: weird issue when trying to read mask option from file
Post: RE: weird issue when trying to read mask option fr...

You are probably not escaping some values properly. Can you give more details on the actual lines in the script itself?
unix-ninja Old hashcat Support 8 17,134 11-08-2013, 07:02 PM
    Thread: weird issue when trying to read mask option from file
Post: RE: weird issue when trying to read mask option fr...

The problem here is simple. You are piping multiple arguments to hashcat through the $line variable, and your script is therefore sending them to hashcat as a single parameter. You think it's saying:...
unix-ninja Old hashcat Support 8 17,134 11-08-2013, 08:37 PM
    Thread: md5 unix blank password hash
Post: RE: md5 unix blank password hash

Can you be a bit more specific? That question seems a bit ambiguous. What are you referring to as an "md5 unix blank password" ?
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 10 18,599 06-13-2013, 09:10 PM
    Thread: Build advice
Post: RE: Build advice

My personal recommendation would we to ditch the ATX case and get an open frame instead, but this otherwise looks fine. (I just think the open frames cool down way easier. They are noisier, however)
unix-ninja Hardware 27 20,575 12-08-2017, 04:58 PM
    Thread: what language is hashcat written in?
Post: RE: what language is oclhashcat written in?

snooz Wrote: (10-25-2012, 05:14 PM) -- I was curious what language is oclhashcat written in. I know that ocl stands for Open Computer Language but I noticed that atom's avatar looks like Assembly co...
unix-ninja General Talk 9 21,540 10-25-2012, 05:26 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat-1.21 Unsupported or incorrect installed GPU driver detected
Post: RE: oclHashcat-1.21 Unsupported or incorrect insta...

I'm pretty sure 14.4 is the latest stable version of the catalyst drivers. If you are downloading 14.10, that would sound like you are trying beta drivers, and that's not supported here.
unix-ninja Old oclHashcat Support 11 22,606 06-19-2014, 05:06 PM
    Thread: Rules with combinator attack
Post: RE: Rules with combinator attack

Yes. Use the hybrid attack to do this.
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 11 26,314 06-21-2013, 05:21 PM
    Thread: Brutforce too slow? / Increment-Problems [Solved]
Post: RE: Brutforce too slow?

Just to clarify radix's point: You "defined" 4 different character sets that can be used in a mask, but you didn't define the mask itself. The mask is shown in its own position without using the num...
unix-ninja Old oclHashcat Support 9 29,019 01-07-2014, 11:34 PM
    Thread: Need Help With a new build plz!
Post: RE: Need Help With a new build plz!

Actually, the best card really depends on what you are talking about. Best for what? They each have strengths and weaknesses depending on what you are trying to crack. Refer to this for reference: ht...
unix-ninja Hardware 28 40,943 02-20-2015, 12:36 AM
    Thread: Bottleneck, and my 31 character limit. Ideas?
Post: RE: Maximum length of 31? Why?

InfDoleo Wrote: (04-06-2015, 07:04 PM) -- Not sure why the heck I'm being jumped upon here. -- If you want open source, get John the Ripper or Cryptohaze. If you want to learn about the design l...
unix-ninja Old oclHashcat Support 30 45,020 04-06-2015, 08:39 PM
    Thread: Cisco ASA
Post: RE: Cisco ASA

The ASA does use the same hashing mechanism as PIX. They are NOT different. You should just be specifying hash and salt on the command-line. Username is irrelevant.
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 15 45,270 10-18-2012, 04:15 PM
    Thread: BCrypt + GTX670 = 6 c/s?
Post: RE: BCrypt + GTX670 = 6 c/s?

Honestly, depending on the iteration count used in the hash, that could be pretty accurate. Bcrypt is a MUCH more secure algorithm than MD5 or SHA1, so don't expect the speeds to come anywhere close.
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 23 52,575 01-16-2013, 04:41 PM
    Thread: BCrypt + GTX670 = 6 c/s?
Post: RE: BCrypt + GTX670 = 6 c/s?

wflme Wrote: (01-16-2013, 04:46 PM) -- Never expected it to be THAT bad, cracking-wise. -- That's kind of the whole purpose of bcrypt. It's an adaptive algorithm, crafted so that even when hardwa...
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 23 52,575 01-16-2013, 04:54 PM
    Thread: MD5 Crack with Salt
Post: RE: MD5 Crack with Salt

I think you are a little confused about what a salt is. Using a salt will NOT prepend characters to your string. It is actually determining how to manipulate your password before hashing it. In additi...
unix-ninja Old hashcat Support 9 59,388 05-07-2012, 04:30 PM
    Thread: MD5 Crack with Salt
Post: RE: MD5 Crack with Salt

additionally, if you want to use a salt to simulate the effect of prepending chars, you can use hash mode 2: MD5($salt.$hash)
unix-ninja Old hashcat Support 9 59,388 05-07-2012, 04:34 PM
    Thread: Why closed source?
Post: RE: Why closed source?

txczwgffr Wrote: (10-09-2013, 07:41 PM) -- Why is oclHashcat* closed source? As far as I can tell there is no paid version. It would be great if the source were freely available so more people coul...
unix-ninja General Talk 29 65,490 10-09-2013, 07:48 PM
    Thread: oclHashcat-plus cracks TrueCrypt
Post: RE: oclHashcat-plus cracks TrueCrypt

Nicely done! And congrats! Is your talk going to be taped?
unix-ninja Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 32 157,766 05-17-2013, 03:18 PM