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    Thread: how to extract hash from veracrypt container
Post: RE: how to extract hash from veracrypt container

I think you're able to just point HC towards the container if I remember correctly.
bigblacknose hashcat 6 16,509 01-16-2017, 09:14 PM
    Thread: how to extract hash from veracrypt container
Post: RE: how to extract hash from veracrypt container

unfamous31 Wrote: (01-16-2017, 10:56 PM) -- bigblacknose Wrote: (01-16-2017, 09:14 PM) -- I think you're able to just point HC towards the container if I remember correctly. -- can you please tell...
bigblacknose hashcat 6 16,509 01-17-2017, 11:23 PM
    Thread: hashcat v3.30
Post: RE: hashcat v3.30

Great! No more false positives (most likely that is)! Impressed. Thank you all.
bigblacknose hashcat 7 22,245 01-06-2017, 11:52 PM
    Thread: GPG PassPhrase recovery
Post: RE: GPG PassPhrase recovery

Both JtR and Passware have GPU support for GPG. JtR is somewhat slower than Passware. That's my experience. And I almost forgot, ElcomSoft Distributed Password Recovery also has support for this.
bigblacknose hashcat 2 4,729 01-06-2017, 01:02 AM
    Thread: false positive in 7z possible?
Post: RE: false positive in 7z possible?

kiara Wrote: (09-16-2016, 10:04 AM) -- when u write TC u ment truecrypt? -- Yes. I have en encountered that three times now with TC preboot. I can't get JtR to crack the 7z hash (generated by 7z2jo...
bigblacknose hashcat 2 4,379 09-16-2016, 10:21 AM
    Thread: Do the tools all still apply to hashcat3?
Post: RE: Do the tools all still apply to hashcat3?

I would suggest you go for a hybrid instead. -6 (dict + mask). And then specify the mask ?d?d in your first case, and then 19?d?d in your second case. If you use the combinator and redirect stdou...
bigblacknose hashcat 3 4,691 07-11-2016, 11:01 PM
    Thread: Problem with status , pause , resume ...
Post: RE: BUG - Problem with Hashcat 3.30

What happens if you try the patience way, press "q" and wait for 5 minutes? Does it stop?
bigblacknose hashcat 17 24,260 01-13-2017, 09:02 AM
    Thread: Problem with status , pause , resume ...
Post: RE: BUG - Problem with Hashcat 3.30

Not reproduce, but I have experienced having to wait for like a minute or so when pressing "q" (I think I did see this before 3.30). And sometimes my brain did a timeout and instead of waiting, I sen...
bigblacknose hashcat 17 24,260 01-13-2017, 11:26 AM
    Thread: Poll for new algorithm
Post: Poll for new algorithm

Hi, Are you always launching a forum poll before deciding which new algorithms to implement to the next version? I remember seeing this a couple of times. A good initiative anyway. Regard...
bigblacknose Old oclHashcat Support 1 3,455 04-14-2016, 07:57 PM
    Thread: New algorithm
Post: New algorithm

Which of the following would you most like to see in the future to be implemented into hashcat? The list was quite long from the beginning (doing a search at GitHub/oclHashcat for is:issue is:open la...
bigblacknose General Talk 2 4,572 05-17-2016, 08:09 PM
    Thread: false positive in 7z possible?
Post: false positive in 7z possible?

Hi, in the same way you might encounter a false positive in TC. Is it possible to encounter a false positive with 7z (7z2hashcat/-m 11600)? // BBN
bigblacknose hashcat 2 4,379 09-16-2016, 09:49 AM
    Thread: Candidates
Post: Candidates

Hi, Running 3.10+620 Looking at the candidates that are generated in status message. In my case HC is reading from stdin (mp64 is generating) and is applying a rule file that contains somewher...
bigblacknose Beta Tester 1 4,791 11-02-2016, 12:34 AM