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    Thread: Regarding rli2.exe
Post: Regarding rli2.exe

It seems that rli2.exe only compares the 'bigger' file against the smaller one. Meaning that we can't find unique lines in a rather small file comparing to an existing very big file. A rather ugly ...
tibit hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 2 5,172 01-13-2016, 05:48 AM
    Thread: rule vs. mask
Post: rule vs. mask

Trying to add some digits to long passwords, I noticed that using a mask (?d?d?d?d) works nice, but when using a rulefile ($1$2$3$4 etc) it doesn't find anything. This happens for passwords longer tha...
tibit Old oclHashcat Support 4 6,376 08-25-2015, 02:46 PM
    Thread: salt =seed???
Post: salt =seed???

Little question, Can a seed, when it's not numeric, be used the same way as a salt in decrypting?? Thank you
tibit General Help 0 3,140 11-01-2013, 01:40 PM
    Thread: sha-512 Drupal 7
Post: sha-512 Drupal 7

Can anyone tell me what command I should use in oclhashcat to decrypt Drupal hashes sha512(drupal)?
tibit Old oclHashcat Support 1 5,648 04-14-2014, 12:44 PM
    Thread: small difference asus & msi 1080ti founder edition
Post: small difference asus & msi 1080ti founder edition

You can disregard my question. The information given at the shop was incorrect. So they are both identical as they should be. Will look for another shop where they give at least correct info. Quote:...
tibit Hardware 1 2,637 08-03-2017, 04:23 PM
    Thread: solved -- invalid argument hashcat 4.1.0 --gpu-temp-retain=
Post: solved -- invalid argument hashcat 4.1.0 --gpu-tem...

Hi, The argument "--gpu-temp-retain" isn't accepted on the new hashcat 4.1.0. (note : "--gpu-temp-abort" gives no problem. In the error message there seemes to be a space before 'gpu' which isn...
tibit hashcat 3 5,845 02-24-2018, 08:06 PM
    Thread: temperature limit reached, aborting
Post: temperature limit reached, aborting

With hashcat 3.10, I constantly get this error within an hour First I get this warning "Drivers Treshold temperature hit ... temperature limit reached, aborting ...  I tried abort at 80,85...
tibit hashcat 1 2,820 09-01-2016, 12:58 AM
    Thread: Which amd driver should I choose for best performance?
Post: Which amd driver should I choose for best performa...

I know AMD is not the first choice these days, but I do wonder : wich driver (stiil running catalyst 15.7) is at this time the best to use with Hashcat 3.40 on a windows system? Should I jump to t...
tibit hashcat 3 4,353 04-01-2017, 02:15 PM
  Sad Thread: Workaround for catalyst 12.8??
Post: Workaround for catalyst 12.8??

Few months ago I bought a notebook with switchable graphics (HD4000 + HD7970m. I can't update my catalyst 12.6 to 12.8. Is there a workaround so I can still use the older hashcat versions like 0.8 or ...
tibit General Help 2 6,397 01-12-2013, 09:50 AM
    Thread: [solved] how to pipe rli2 tot textfile?
Post: [solved] how to pipe rli2 tot textfile?

Could anyone give me the "windows" code for piping the rli2 stdout results to a textfile?? code : rli2.exe text1 text2 | ....... ????? >outfile thank you
tibit hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 5 10,700 12-14-2014, 04:33 PM
    Thread: [solved] How to remove numbers from dictionary .txt or .dic
Post: [solved] How to remove numbers from dictionary .tx...

Hi all Does anybody knows some .bat command to remove plain numbers from a (huge) dictionary list. (.txt or .dic) Thank you for any reply tibit
tibit General Help 7 12,708 02-14-2013, 03:24 PM
    Thread: [solved] Problem sorting dictionary file
Post: [solved] Problem sorting dictionary file

I'm trying to sort a huge (2gb) dictionary file. I tried the hashcat tools, but had zero result. With gnuwin utils, I tried sort.exe, gsort.exe, cat.exe Code: -- cat 20_04found.dic | sort | un...
tibit hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 6 11,929 04-20-2014, 05:35 AM