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    Thread: Hashcat-gui request for --stdout
Post: Hashcat-gui request for --stdout

First, thank you for the GUI - it's wonderful, and serves as a great demonstration tool as well. For those hashcat tools that support it, could we have a GUI --stdout option for using *hashcat* as ...
Incisive Feature Requests 0 4,216 12-06-2011, 06:58 PM
    Thread: Workstation GPU support (NVIDIA Quadro, ATI FirePro)
Post: Workstation GPU support (NVIDIA Quadro, ATI FirePr...

I realize it's suboptimal, but work password auditing must be done on work supplied hardware, unfortunately - compliance with corporate standards trumps speed. As long as I can get similar or faster ...
Incisive Hardware 0 4,515 02-20-2014, 07:42 PM
    Thread: problems with basic bruteforcing
Post: RE: problems with basic bruteforcing

A few other ways to generate hashes, for any users wanting to make sure their technique is giving the same results as other techniques: Windows: Code: -- copy con password.txt 1234^z md5sum pas...
Incisive Old hashcat Support 3 6,459 04-03-2013, 04:14 PM
    Thread: using 2 dictionaries
Post: RE: using 2 dictionaries

If they're really that small (there aren't that many 4 letter words), then one option you have would be to create a dictionary of the two digits, and then use the hashcat-utils "combinator" program to...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 2 6,637 03-31-2013, 09:16 PM
    Thread: Markov stats questions
Post: Markov stats questions

First, thank you for implementing Markov mode - even the default oclhashcat-plus 0.14 implementation gets may more hits in the first part of the keyspace than in the last. I have a few questions ab...
Incisive hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 1 7,492 04-10-2013, 03:33 PM
    Thread: Hashcat 0.41 Combination mode not loading more than one dictionary?
Post: RE: Hashcat 0.41 Combination mode not loading more...

Thank you for informing me!
Incisive Old hashcat Support 2 7,639 10-08-2012, 05:23 PM
    Thread: Hashcat 0.41 Combination mode not loading more than one dictionary?
Post: Hashcat 0.41 Combination mode not loading more tha...

Trying to crack two-word passwords with hashcat seems to have an issue in 0.41 (oclhashcat-plus worked fine, by the way) - it's only loading one dictionary and then combining that dictionary with itse...
Incisive Old hashcat Support 2 7,639 10-05-2012, 10:54 PM
    Thread: restarting dictionary with rules
Post: RE: restarting dictionary with rules

atom Wrote: (06-11-2012, 09:31 AM) -- No, only oclHashcat-lite can do this. oclHashcat-plus is designed for short runs. -- I don't know if it's possible, and I understand there are some technical i...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 8,429 06-11-2012, 09:56 PM
    Thread: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor rulesets?
Post: RE: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor rul...

Agreed; however, that's why I was suggesting a conversion to a rules based attack that covers an identical keyspace, rather than forcing me to actually generate and store multiple rules files, rather ...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 8,933 04-18-2013, 04:30 AM
    Thread: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor rulesets?
Post: RE: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor rul...

Now, that's an approach I'm ashamed I hadn't considered - I was using the Maskprocessor to create single dictionaries of multiple , rather than simply using building block dictionaries and the fact th...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 8,933 04-19-2013, 12:32 PM
    Thread: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor rulesets?
Post: Attack mode 6, 7 slower than Maskprocessor ruleset...

I'm working up a set of prefix and suffix based dictionary cracks, and my very first pass was 1, 2, and 3 digit prefixes/suffixes. Using oclHashcat-plus64 0.14, on an AMD HD6950 with Catalyst 13.1,...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 8,933 04-17-2013, 05:10 AM
    Thread: Hashcat 0.41 mode 1731 fails?
Post: RE: Hashcat 0.41 mode 1731 fails?

Finding blank passwords is indeed a feature, and a very important and welcome one! Not finding any other hashes, however, is a bug :(.
Incisive Old hashcat Support 5 8,980 09-27-2012, 05:05 PM
    Thread: Hashcat 0.41 mode 1731 fails?
Post: Hashcat 0.41 mode 1731 fails?

On hashcat 0.41 I'm not getting successful results (except with an apparent blank password) with -m 1731 on either your example hashes or even my own tests. Intel Core i7-2600 Code: -- hashca...
Incisive Old hashcat Support 5 8,980 09-26-2012, 05:40 PM
    Thread: SQL Server 2014 pw hashes are identical to SQL Server 2012 pw hashes
Post: SQL Server 2014 pw hashes are identical to SQL Ser...

If it matters to anyone else, SQL Server 2014 RTM creates password hashes identical to SQL Server 2012 password hashes. The archived thread on SQL Server 2012 hashes is at:
Incisive General Talk 3 9,888 04-04-2014, 04:12 PM
    Thread: SQL Server 2014 pw hashes are identical to SQL Server 2012 pw hashes
Post: RE: SQL Server 2014 pw hashes are identical to SQL...

It's still using the 0x200 identifier; I just double-checked.
Incisive General Talk 3 9,888 04-07-2014, 04:23 AM
    Thread: How should I store my users passwords in my DB?
Post: RE: How should I store my users passwords in my DB...

1) Don't enforce a short maximum length - you're storing a hash, so if they want to use an epic passpoem, let them. The lower the number of scrypt or PBKDF2 iterations, the longer the minimum length ...
Incisive General Help 4 10,284 07-19-2012, 08:57 PM
    Thread: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, "stopped working"
Post: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, "sto...

Running some tests on the linkedin hash list, with oclhashcat-Plus4 in brute force mode (3), using --remove and --outfile-format=7, at some points when many hashes are being cracked quickly, I'll see ...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 10,852 03-30-2013, 11:34 PM
    Thread: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, "stopped working"
Post: RE: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, ...

This error appears to be highly correlated with, "oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 bizzare output sections".
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 10,852 03-31-2013, 05:23 AM
    Thread: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, "stopped working"
Post: RE: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, ...

Got it, and I'll put it in the Trac as well. ( unmasked-100, a.k.a. unmask...
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 10,852 03-31-2013, 08:54 PM
    Thread: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, "stopped working"
Post: RE: oclhashcat-Plus64.exe 0.14 permission denied, ... (
Incisive Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 4 10,852 03-31-2013, 09:10 PM