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    Thread: More then 4 user defined charsets
Post: More then 4 user defined charsets

Hello. How can i set more then 4 user defined charsets? (-1, -2, -3, -4, -5,...)
WhiteTiger Very old oclHashcat-plus Support 3 6,831 11-07-2013, 12:40 PM
    Thread: Rdmine troubles
Post: Rdmine troubles

Hello. Try to crack redmine hashes (7600) but it does not work. For example: Quote: -- fae9cd8480204b5b93cc20101a63783a2c3a8ffa:7c2a25113b3159b78776074c24be5d12:whocares -- Last cudaHashcat can`t fin...
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 3 5,835 07-23-2014, 11:58 AM
    Thread: Rdmine troubles
Post: RE: Rdmine troubles

But remine use this salt
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 3 5,835 07-25-2014, 06:06 PM
    Thread: Disable message about outdated version
Post: RE: Disable message about outdated version

Yes. Is it realy to start the old hashcat without magic and hand compilation?
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 7 8,646 01-12-2016, 10:30 AM
    Thread: Disable message about outdated version
Post: Disable message about outdated version

Hello. I use a CentOS6 and hashcat 1.37. New version (2.01) does not work on this os: Quote: -- ./cudaHashcat64.bin: /lib64/ version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by ./cudaHashcat64.bin...
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 7 8,646 01-11-2016, 12:30 PM
    Thread: Disable message about outdated version
Post: RE: Disable message about outdated version

Not work :( Make die on "make: *** [obj/shared.oclHashcat.NATIVE.o] Error 1" May be exists solution more simpler? Disable check with /etc/hosts record or iptables rule.
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 7 8,646 01-11-2016, 07:29 PM
    Thread: Disable message about outdated version
Post: RE: Disable message about outdated version

epixoip Wrote: (01-12-2016, 08:55 PM) -- hashcat was compiled with a newer (and incompatible) C library than the one installed on your system. You have two choices: upgrade your C library, or recompi...
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 7 8,646 01-13-2016, 08:45 AM
    Thread: status-automat format
Post: status-automat format

Hello. Where i can find a fomat of output with --status-automat? In search i get 2 links: But this page not exists more.
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 3 4,982 01-21-2016, 03:41 PM
    Thread: status-automat format
Post: RE: status-automat format

Many params easy to understand, but i can`t understand how i can interpretate params cudaHashcat: CURKU SPEED (two numbers) STATUS
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 3 4,982 01-22-2016, 08:30 AM
    Thread: status-automat format
Post: RE: status-automat format

Big thanks!
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 3 4,982 01-28-2016, 08:59 PM
    Thread: Many symbols how separator (--separator)
Post: Many symbols how separator (--separator)

Hello. HC don`t allow a multiple symbol separators. In automatic interaction with hc i found trouble of one symbol separator.  In some cases the salt or the password have a separator in itself. ...
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 2 4,275 02-13-2016, 09:33 AM
    Thread: Alg for Xenforo
Post: Alg for Xenforo

Hello. In some cases Xenforo create hashes with XenForo_Authentication_Core and sha256: sha256(sha256(password) . salt) I can`t find this alg in oclHashcat help. Is it exists in oclHashcat?
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 1 4,129 02-13-2016, 10:57 AM
    Thread: Many symbols how separator (--separator)
Post: RE: Many symbols how separator (--separator)

Thanks, it`s good solution. And hex plain in outfile.
WhiteTiger Old oclHashcat Support 2 4,275 02-13-2016, 05:45 PM
    Thread: HashBruteStation release
Post: HashBruteStation release

Hello everybody. Today i released  one of my develops -  - Hash Brute Station v0.1a. It`s a web-panel for control "home" builded hashcracking server. Necessity in HSB born in pen-tests process. Ear...
WhiteTiger User Contributions 0 3,645 06-10-2016, 01:45 PM
    Thread: Launch hashcat with conrete letters in password counts
Post: Launch hashcat with conrete letters in password co...

Hello. For example, i has md5 hash. And i known what this hash it`s a 7-length password contains: 2 letters "a", 2 letters "b", 3 letter "c". I don`t known positions of those letters. How can launch...
WhiteTiger hashcat 5 3,284 07-06-2018, 04:34 PM
    Thread: Launch hashcat with conrete letters in password counts
Post: RE: Launch hashcat with conrete letters in passwor...

Yes, but only for simple examples. If target has big length or big charset, it`s may be very long
WhiteTiger hashcat 5 3,284 07-06-2018, 05:35 PM
    Thread: Fast to know truecrypt container hash alg
Post: Fast to know truecrypt container hash alg

Hello. Is i right understood, it`s not possible to fast know TC hash alg from extracted 512 bytes?  I mean some tool which  i may launch and it show me concrete alg of TC container.  In google/fa...
WhiteTiger General Talk 1 1,089 08-22-2019, 11:05 AM