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Thread: Ability to select BSSID/ESSID/handshake
Post: RE: Ability to select BSSID/ESSID/handshake
wireshark can split cap files |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
11,650 |
06-09-2013, 03:11 AM |
Thread: WPA Hashing Question
Post: RE: WPA Hashing Question
Rippey574 Wrote: (11-01-2012, 05:38 AM)
That fixed it. Now I know the GUI program can put them in the incorrect order.
Thought you might get kick out of how long it would take to complete this o... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
8 |
14,719 |
11-01-2012, 06:34 AM |
Thread: Hashcatplus doesn't work with wpa
Post: RE: Hashcatplus doesn't work with wpa
Rippey574 Wrote: (11-01-2012, 05:02 AM)
Are you saying, that if I spoof my mac, then capture the wpa handshake, switch my mac back to oem, then convert it to hccap file.. It will break the file ma... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
11 |
20,124 |
11-01-2012, 05:25 AM |
Thread: WPA Hashing Question
Post: RE: WPA Hashing Question
Rippey574 Wrote: (11-01-2012, 04:42 AM)
Haha, possibly. Its just 18.4 quintillion combinations. I am doing it more for a test run and setup of the other settings for the GPU. I tried to drown it d... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
8 |
14,719 |
11-01-2012, 05:15 AM |
Thread: WPA Hashing Question
Post: RE: WPA Hashing Question
Brute force 16^16 LOL you crazy? Even if you could have 16-char passwords, which you can't on -plus, the keyspace is huge!!, even going at a 100 Billion a sec it would still take you 5 years to comple... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
8 |
14,719 |
11-01-2012, 04:11 AM |
Thread: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS ..
Post: RE: NVIDIA GeForce 7600 GS ..
The lowest Nvidia graphics card to support CUDA is a GeForce 8400 GS. |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
6 |
18,127 |
10-08-2012, 03:03 AM |
Thread: piping hashcat into pyrit
Post: RE: piping hashcat into pyrit
pyrit ignores all words shorter than 8 in length as its the minimum wpa will allow, so try with a different dictionary. |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
6 |
13,261 |
08-31-2012, 12:00 AM |
Thread: piping hashcat into pyrit
Post: RE: piping hashcat into pyrit
I think it would be this...can't test
./hashcat-cli32.bin -r rules/best64.rule /root/dic/list3.txt --stdout | pyrit -i - -r /root/handshake/rado-01.cap attack_passthrough |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
6 |
13,261 |
08-30-2012, 11:10 PM |
Thread: hashcat m500 "line length exception
Post: RE: hashcat m500 "line length exception
ScripterJoe Wrote: (08-28-2012, 07:03 PM)
Yup - that's it - thanks, I was confused with the usage statement.
Ok, next Q. I want to use a mask, but it's not clear how I do that. The usage sugg... |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
3 |
16,969 |
08-28-2012, 07:17 PM |
Thread: Hashcat STD-IN
Post: RE: Hashcat STD-IN
Thanks D3ad0ne, I'll look into this "named pipes" thing. |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
2 |
5,737 |
08-28-2012, 06:33 PM |
Thread: Brute Force on WPA/WPA2
Post: RE: Brute Force on WPA/WPA2
qwerty Wrote: (08-28-2012, 06:13 PM)
My command is:
cudaHashcat-plus64.exe --hash-type 2500 --attack-mode 3 --custom-charset1 ?l?u?d C:\Users\qwerty\Desktop\25388_1346083646.hccap ?1?... |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
5 |
27,995 |
08-28-2012, 06:30 PM |
Thread: Hashcat STD-IN
Post: Hashcat STD-IN
It seems that Hashcat-cpu doesn't support STD-IN, could this be added to Hashcat or is there any workaround for this on windows?
I'd like to feed it with some python or perl scripts and stat... |
Pixel |
Old hashcat Support
2 |
5,737 |
08-28-2012, 05:35 PM |
Thread: need some help Blue
Post: RE: need some help Blue
blazer Wrote: (06-30-2012, 06:48 PM)
Did I go too far?
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-lite Support
4 |
10,209 |
07-01-2012, 03:58 PM |
Thread: statsprocessor v0.04 with per-position markov chains
Post: RE: statsprocessor v0.04 with per-position markov ...
Good job Atom, this is very interesting. Keep up the good work |
Pixel |
hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip
3 |
18,988 |
06-13-2012, 02:46 PM |
Thread: ULM Replacement ?
Post: RE: ULM Replacement ?
Socapex Wrote: (06-11-2012, 03:38 AM)
So sed and grep are in Cygwin, but not sort nor uniq (from what I've searched in the package list).
yes all of them are in Cygwin here have a look (http:/... |
Pixel |
General Talk
18 |
39,381 |
06-11-2012, 04:02 AM |
Thread: ULM Replacement ?
Post: RE: ULM Replacement ?
Socapex Wrote: (06-11-2012, 01:42 AM)
I'm just getting into sed & grep right now, might be posting some more stuff. But it kinda sucks if they're not available on windows :/.
I have to say... |
Pixel |
General Talk
18 |
39,381 |
06-11-2012, 02:45 AM |
Thread: statsprocessor v0.03
Post: RE: statsprocessor v0.01
Great! more tools to play with thanks atom |
Pixel |
hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip
10 |
44,667 |
06-10-2012, 03:29 PM |
Thread: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Post: RE: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Got another idea for only needing to generate 1 set of characters, instead of swapping/replacing can't we just generate the full A-Z Upper length 7 and just Insert the character that's missing with a ... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
125 |
250,821 |
06-07-2012, 08:52 PM |
Thread: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Post: RE: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
This idea seems to work well Hash-IT but we need to find faster way to filter it and figure how hard to filter it. |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
125 |
250,821 |
06-07-2012, 12:27 PM |
Thread: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Post: RE: Limiting the consecutive occurrence
Hash-IT Wrote: (06-03-2012, 11:33 AM)
Hang on a second !!!!!
I have just had an idea !! We only need to generate 1 set of characters !
If this is right it will save a lot of time and space. Al... |
Pixel |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
125 |
250,821 |
06-04-2012, 12:12 PM |