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    Thread: Need assistance with veracrypt container
Post: RE: Need assistance with veracrypt container

That was going to be my next suggestion. If you have to pass debugging flags like --self-test-disable or --force, you are running in a poor configuration and may need to worry about hashcat and its de...
Chick3nman hashcat 6 1,614 02-08-2020, 06:55 AM
    Thread: Need assistance
Post: RE: Need assistance

Is hash.txt in the same folder as the hashcat binary?
Chick3nman hashcat 4 1,771 10-13-2019, 08:16 AM
    Thread: Mixed hardware questions - 1080Ti's and 2080
Post: RE: Mixed hardware questions - 1080Ti's and 2080

While mixing hardware won't cause any serious issues, when starting an attack that requires a large amount of VRAM, if mixed cards are used, you will be limited by the memory of the smallest card in u...
Chick3nman Hardware 2 2,671 10-10-2018, 08:44 PM
    Thread: Mask Assisstance
Post: RE: Mask Assisstance

hashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 9600 -w 3 -p : --gpu-temp-abort=90 --outfile-format=3 -i -1 ?l?s?d ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1 --username This will iterate starting from length 1 and going out to a length that I know...
Chick3nman General Talk 6 4,039 01-02-2018, 09:28 PM
    Thread: low gpu utilization
Post: RE: low gpu utilization

What is your mask? It sounds like that could be the issue since it's possible its a super small keyspace.
Chick3nman hashcat 3 3,930 01-28-2018, 08:31 AM
    Thread: Looking to rent GPU Server 4 hashcat.
Post: RE: Looking to rent GPU Server 4 hashcat.

You are asking a lot of things here but I'll cover probably the most important part. Bruteforce of ?a length 10 is not going to happen on pretty much any wallet variant, and bruteforce of ?a 1-8 is...
Chick3nman Hardware 4 4,071 07-11-2019, 01:40 AM
    Thread: Looking for a Pascal-based Tesla Benchmark
Post: RE: Looking for a Pascal-based Tesla Benchmark

Flomac is correct, they are comparable to the GeForce cards of the same core count, though typically a bit slower due to the more "stable"(read: slow) clock speeds that are set on Tesla cards.
Chick3nman Hardware 4 3,693 10-10-2017, 04:38 PM
    Thread: Long password
Post: RE: Long password

Buy/rent more GPUs.
Chick3nman hashcat 2 1,713 01-24-2019, 11:27 PM
    Thread: Litecoin wallet: Not cracking password (even known).
Post: RE: Litecoin wallet: Not cracking password (even k...

>--self-test-disable Let me guess. Hashcat said "self test failed" because your drivers are screwed up and instead of listening to the warning, you tried to suppress the warning and ignored it. If ...
Chick3nman hashcat 3 3,762 01-16-2018, 07:42 PM
    Thread: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce
Post: RE: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce

Do you have source code for this wallet? I can look into it and see if the algorithm is supported by hashcat.
Chick3nman General Talk 8 5,082 02-08-2018, 10:00 PM
    Thread: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce
Post: RE: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce

Looks like its Cryptonote derived so definitely not supported yet. Let me see what exactly was used for your version and see if it's something we should make an issue for supporting.
Chick3nman General Talk 8 5,082 02-08-2018, 10:11 PM
    Thread: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce
Post: RE: Karbo (karbovanec) wallet bruteforce

Ok, it's CryptoNote SlowHash -> ChaCha8. This is slow hash: The ChaCha8 looks like its just a typical imple...
Chick3nman General Talk 8 5,082 02-08-2018, 10:26 PM
    Thread: Is this hash supported
Post: RE: Is this hash supported

I don't believe this algorithm is directly supported currently, but you could easily work around that and run them in hashcat as md5($salt.$pass) by replacing the salts with md5($salt) in your hash fi...
Chick3nman hashcat 2 3,022 10-05-2017, 06:44 PM
    Thread: Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask
Post: RE: Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask

What the hell are you trying to crack? There is almost no way you will ever be able to run a mask that large unless your custom character is like, 1 character. And even then, there must be a better wa...
Chick3nman General Talk 7 6,482 04-28-2019, 08:23 AM
    Thread: Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask
Post: RE: Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask
Chick3nman General Talk 7 6,482 04-28-2019, 10:49 AM
    Thread: Insufficient memory
Post: RE: Insufficient memory

It's not the GPU that's out of memory most likely, its the host system. How much RAM does the host have? Also, for reference, how large is testfile2.txt?
Chick3nman hashcat 13 4,152 10-15-2019, 02:10 AM
    Thread: Installing Hashcat on CentOS
Post: RE: Installing Hashcat on CentOS

According to clinfo, there's no valid driver/platform installed or the one installed is broken.
Chick3nman hashcat 2 618 07-22-2020, 05:59 PM
    Thread: Informative output
Post: RE: Informative output

You probably want to mix the rule-debug outputs with the extended output formats such as crackpos. All are listed here: - [ Outfile Formats ] -  # |...
Chick3nman hashcat 3 3,128 01-06-2018, 01:09 AM
    Thread: I lost my second password
Post: RE: I lost my second password

You must crack the second password. BTCRecover is capable of cracking said password and the base64 value you were given is required to crack the password, although I'm not sure if --extract allows for...
Chick3nman hashcat 8 4,089 02-21-2019, 03:47 AM
    Thread: How to generate hashes for directory content (files) not crack them ?
Post: RE: How to generate hashes for directory content (...

In this case, GPUs will actually NOT be faster. Since the archives are very large, you will lose a lot of the things that make GPUs faster for password cracking when trying to load them in and calcula...
Chick3nman hashcat 2 2,873 01-23-2018, 11:00 PM