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Thread: --stdout option
Post: --stdout option
hello atom,
is there a possibility of having support for an --stdout option in the next release of oclhashcat?
this --stdout option would print the list of word combinations being generated by o... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat Support
2 |
10,883 |
11-07-2011, 05:24 AM |
Thread: bcrypt hashes
Post: bcrypt hashes
does oclhashcat-plus work with different types of work factors in bcrypt hashes as well?
$2a$05$, $2a$10$, $2a$12$ are common
but does it also work with $2a$13$, $2a$14$ ?
... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
1 |
4,582 |
07-07-2013, 08:31 AM |
Thread: Binary Dictionary
Post: Binary Dictionary
I am not sure if this was already noticed or reported by someone else or not.
I am running a dictionary attack using oclhashcat-plus against a list of MD5 hashes.
Surprisingly I get 0 results. ... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
8,857 |
09-10-2012, 03:43 AM |
Thread: BruteForce Mode in SMF Hashes
Post: BruteForce Mode in SMF Hashes
Is Bruteforce mode not available for SMF hashes?
oclHashcat-plus32.exe -m 121 -n 160 -a 3 --remove -o crackedSMF.txt Forum.txt ?l?l?l?l?l ?l?l?l?l
I get the usage error by oclHashcat-pl... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
9,327 |
05-24-2012, 10:45 AM |
Thread: Catalyst 13.1 on Ubuntu 12.04
Post: Catalyst 13.1 on Ubuntu 12.04
I have been trying to get the Catalyst 13.1 to work on Ubuntu 12.04 (LTS), 64-bit.
I have tried various ways of installing. Whenever the installation is successful and I reboot here is what happ... |
NeonFlash |
General Help
8 |
15,382 |
06-02-2013, 11:38 AM |
Thread: Combinator Attack Question
Post: Combinator Attack Question
I am trying to crack the following pattern:
1boy2girls :D
echo -n '1boy2girls' | md5sum
my test lists:
... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
5 |
10,337 |
02-05-2013, 02:23 PM |
Thread: Control Fan Speed in oclhashcat-plus
Post: Control Fan Speed in oclhashcat-plus
I did not see an option present to control the fan speed.
The latest version of Oclhashcat-plus with the mode 150 (special version), makes the fan run at a really high RPM.
How do I control that... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
6 |
12,802 |
06-09-2012, 05:24 AM |
Thread: Cracking Russian Passwords
Post: Cracking Russian Passwords
I am not sure how the unicode support works but this is weird.
MD5 Hash: 714d5bc5daad4412e118d1bfd0c7477b
plaintext: ьфдщн
I noticed this on one of the hash cracked list on a ... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
11 |
23,629 |
05-23-2012, 08:31 PM |
Thread: Crash Recovery Mechanism Implementation
Post: Crash Recovery Mechanism Implementation
I am not sure if this has been discussed before. However, I was thinking a feature implementation for Crash Recovery Mechanism similar to what is present in JtR would be a great addition to the oclhas... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
8 |
15,871 |
07-24-2012, 06:33 PM |
Thread: Cyrillic Character Encoding
Post: Cyrillic Character Encoding
how does oclhashcatplus handle the cyrllic character encoding?
At first, I am running oclhashcat-plus on Windows 7 Platform using MS DOS Console. As I understand, MS DOS does not have sup... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
16,027 |
10-18-2012, 09:25 AM |
Thread: hashcat stdout mode
Post: hashcat stdout mode
It does not work for me, not sure why.
On Windows 7 x64
version of hashcat - v0.39
hashcat-cli32.exe --stdout -r 1.rule dict.txt
Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfile... |
NeonFlash |
Old hashcat Support
2 |
6,738 |
10-27-2012, 05:55 PM |
Thread: How does 15 character limitation help in a speed up?
Post: How does 15 character limitation help in a speed u...
I know that this topic has been discussed a lot and many people have requested atom to add support in oclHashcat-plus for passwords of length greater than 15.
While all that is good, I have ... |
NeonFlash |
General Talk
6 |
15,125 |
03-09-2013, 09:03 PM |
Thread: Insert Rules in oclhashcat-plus
Post: Insert Rules in oclhashcat-plus
I know that there is a way to insert a special symbol or a character in a dictionary word using the insert rules such as:
and so on.
However, is there a way to inser... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
3 |
6,426 |
06-17-2012, 09:22 AM |
Thread: IPB Multi Hash list issue with ATI Radeon 5xxx and 6xxx
Post: IPB Multi Hash list issue with ATI Radeon 5xxx and...
AMD has this site available where you can report issues with sufficient information so that they can reproduce the issue at their end.
I woul... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
22,656 |
06-28-2012, 10:04 AM |
Thread: New Hashing Algorithm Request
Post: New Hashing Algorithm Request
Hi atom,
Is there a way to contact you via email? I have recently analyzed the source code of a widely use CMS however I observed that there is no software that has this algorithm implemented alrea... |
NeonFlash |
Feature Requests
2 |
7,168 |
10-01-2012, 06:12 AM |
Thread: oclhashcat-lite Bruteforce Question
Post: oclhashcat-lite Bruteforce Question
I would like to understand the bruteforce mask attack options in oclhashcat-lite. It is not clear, at least not as much as in oclhashcat-plus, probably because the attacks are more complicated ... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-lite Support
4 |
13,216 |
09-07-2012, 02:31 AM |
Thread: OpenCL Code for Oclhashcat-plus Kernel
Post: OpenCL Code for Oclhashcat-plus Kernel
After encountering a couple of bugs in the code of oclhashcat-plus32.exe for certain hash types and modes, I got the idea of checking the code of the kernel for my specific GPU implemented by oclhashc... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
3 |
7,746 |
05-24-2012, 11:33 AM |
Thread: Portable Restore File
Post: Portable Restore File
this is regarding the oclhashcat-plus restore file.
Are the restore files portable?
For instance, does the restore file also keep a track of the GPU type used to crack the hashes in the session... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
4 |
7,948 |
03-25-2013, 06:10 AM |
Thread: Purge Rules
Post: Purge Rules
I have a question regarding the purge rules.
The input word is: _Something_2_Everything_
I want to delete all instances of underscore in the above word.
rule: @_
error: cannot convert... |
NeonFlash |
Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
5 |
10,491 |
10-27-2012, 08:33 AM |
Thread: "Code crackers break 923-bit encryption record"
Post: RE: "Code crackers break 923-bit encryption record...
That's true. Would be interesting to know the details of the key generation algorithm which was cracked by them.
As stated already, some algorithms like bcrypt cannot be accelerated on GPU platform. ... |
NeonFlash |
General Talk
2 |
7,387 |
11-14-2012, 07:50 AM |