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    Thread: crackpos values are wrong {HELP}
Post: crackpos values are wrong {HELP}

Crackpos is the # of iterations tried to guess a password right? it doesnt seem so: So im using hashcat along prince processor, no the issue is not coming from the latter; i can assure youthis is ...
mcilie1324 hashcat 3 3,191 01-17-2018, 04:11 AM
    Thread: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a sizeable dictionary [HELP]
Post: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a sizeab...

So im working on a combinator attack. Looking at several examples i found that the maximum amount of dictionaries you are allowed to use is 2. to crack the xkcd standard, i need to be able to input 4 ...
mcilie1324 hashcat 4 3,327 01-01-2018, 08:03 PM
    Thread: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a sizeable dictionary [HELP]
Post: RE: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a si...

yes but then how could i force it to use 4 words. I went to the hashcat page on it and it says it `intelligently` combines passwords. That doesnt seem so reassuring
mcilie1324 hashcat 4 3,327 01-01-2018, 08:38 PM
  Smile Thread: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a sizeable dictionary [HELP]
Post: RE: crackingxkcd with a combinator attack and a si...

walterlacka Wrote: (01-01-2018, 08:53 PM) -- To get a better understanding of how the tool works, I created a small dictionary of 5 words and ran the tool against it.  I watched on my screen the can...
mcilie1324 hashcat 4 3,327 01-01-2018, 09:06 PM
    Thread: Prince processor capability
Post: Prince processor capability

So im using pp64.bin to crack an xkcd style password. the problem is I need it to get there faster. to do that, I would like to just tell pp64 to start off with permuting 4 words from my wordlist. I d...
mcilie1324 hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 4 4,505 01-03-2018, 11:50 PM
    Thread: Prince processor capability
Post: RE: Prince processor capability

it still seems to be giving me 2 candidates; like : tndxamendment. As far as i know, that's not 4 candidates
mcilie1324 hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 4 4,505 01-04-2018, 03:38 PM
    Thread: Prince processor capability
Post: RE: Prince processor capability

right, i attempted to modify my dictionary and remove all the single lettered words. it was my stupid programming error that failed to do so, Sorry for the waste of time
mcilie1324 hashcat-utils, maskprocessor, statsprocessor, md5stress, wikistrip 4 4,505 01-04-2018, 06:14 PM
    Thread: Informative output
Post: Informative output

So im using hashcat to run an analysis on password standards. is there a way to output to a file so that when a new hash is cracked (its cracking several in one file ) it outputs into a file with som...
mcilie1324 hashcat 3 3,125 01-06-2018, 01:07 AM
    Thread: Informative output
Post: RE: Informative output

yes but how could i get the time, thats actually  the important part to me . And crackpos i assume is the iterations right?
mcilie1324 hashcat 3 3,125 01-06-2018, 02:13 AM
    Thread: Output file info
Post: Output file info

I know how to use the -o flag and the different output format modes to use. But I cant find one that would output the amount of time it took to crack said hash. i have a file with 8 hashes. Is it poss...
mcilie1324 hashcat 5 4,510 01-06-2018, 05:49 PM
    Thread: Output file info
Post: RE: Output file info

ok so just to be clear, i run a benchmark of the hash and then multiply it by the crack pos? ok thank you.
mcilie1324 hashcat 5 4,510 01-06-2018, 06:16 PM
    Thread: Output file info
Post: RE: Output file info

How exactly would i do that?. Lets say Im using prince processor to generate passwords that are then hashed and checked against a target hash by hashcat. how would i measure the speed of that?
mcilie1324 hashcat 5 4,510 01-06-2018, 11:13 PM
    Thread: mask attack issue
Post: mask attack issue

So when i run a mask attack incrementivley (using -increment) it seems to only give output when it has exhausted passwords of length x. this seems to be intentional, but i wonder if there is a way to ...
mcilie1324 hashcat 1 1,771 02-05-2018, 06:51 AM
    Thread: quick SBC opinon
Post: quick SBC opinon

Whats, in your opinion, the best single board computer (raspberry pi, tinker board, etc) to use Hashcat on. Please consider price and performance.
mcilie1324 General Talk 2 2,569 02-05-2018, 06:56 AM
    Thread: outfile format question [HELP]
Post: outfile format question [HELP]

Im trying out different features of hashcat. So recently, I played with outfile formats. the Format I used was Code: -- plain: crackpos -- Apparently that will give me the amount of guesses hashcat ...
mcilie1324 hashcat 0 1,703 01-13-2018, 04:30 AM
    Thread: crackpos values are wrong {HELP}
Post: RE: crackpos values are wrong {HELP}

So should I use outfile 8 or 10?
mcilie1324 hashcat 3 3,191 01-25-2018, 02:38 AM
    Thread: Running Hashcat on SBC
Post: Running Hashcat on SBC

I am a regular raspberry pi user. I understand that Hashcat doesn't have the compatability to run on it yet. However, i've recently learned about a  new Single board computer called the Asus Tinker ...
mcilie1324 hashcat 4 5,951 01-31-2018, 05:05 AM
    Thread: Running Hashcat on SBC
Post: RE: Running Hashcat on SBC

Thank you very much. I did compile it for Rpi, and yeah it gave me a platform not found error even after apt-get installing open cl. Running clinfo only proves your theory. However, i'm surprised abou...
mcilie1324 hashcat 4 5,951 02-01-2018, 03:27 AM
    Thread: quick SBC opinon
Post: RE: quick SBC opinon

DanielG Wrote: (02-05-2018, 03:36 PM) -- You need to specify in what they should be 'the best'. I would say none? if you want crack speeds don't use these SBC's but desktops with big GPU's. -- I...
mcilie1324 General Talk 2 2,569 02-06-2018, 01:32 AM
    Thread: Already known areas of hash
Post: Already known areas of hash

So lets say i have a password: test##123 I KNOW that there are 2 #'s in the middle how can i make it so that there will always be 2 #'s in the guesses.  Yeah i could use a rule, but im u...
mcilie1324 hashcat 1 1,735 02-06-2018, 04:44 AM