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    Thread: Is there support for wildcard characters?
Post: RE: Is there support for wildcard characters?

that could bring out a new mode tho where you have a list of wordfile and dictionnary and you encode it and compare it against anything that fits the pattern youve devised in this case 317c7c27?h?h...
aprizm General Help 4 7,012 05-18-2014, 06:48 AM
    Thread: Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers
Post: RE: Keyspace List for WPA on Default Routers

fart-box Wrote: (03-14-2018, 11:08 PM) -- mrfancypants Wrote: (03-13-2018, 01:47 AM) -- Am I missing anything? -- Welcome back Mrfancypants! You've been missed! That was a great article you mentio...
aprizm User Contributions 182 305,373 03-18-2018, 07:31 PM
    Thread: New major feature preview of v1.02; debug rules
Post: RE: New major feature preview of v1.02; debug rule...

This feature is incredible, but theres one thing... rules_optimize cannot handle big files... it crashes everytime. Im trying to optimize this 400mb file and it keeps crashing after 60k lines... Ive a...
aprizm Old oclHashcat Support 3 12,140 05-31-2014, 05:05 PM
    Thread: ocl Hashcat Anyone That Knows How to Help??
Post: RE: ocl Hashcat Anyone That Knows How to Help??

try blandyUK's GUI. and give me more information on the 93gb list called EVIL GHOST. I cant seem to find it anywhere
aprizm Old oclHashcat Support 3 8,851 06-13-2014, 03:58 AM
    Thread: Partial recovery
Post: RE: Partial recovery

well I have a SHA-1 hash here that if input in CRACKSTATION gives me a yellow bar and it mentions PARTIAL MATCH and the partial that is given to me is making a lot of sense considaring the source.
aprizm General Help 11 14,870 05-12-2015, 01:32 AM
    Thread: Partial recovery
Post: RE: Partial recovery

ok heres the pic ive hidden the hash
aprizm General Help 11 14,870 05-12-2015, 02:25 AM
    Thread: Partial recovery
Post: RE: Partial recovery

I do have some understanding of how sha1 encryption works. That is exactly why I dont get how they come up with these partial results. Changing 1 character would theorically change the whole hash but ...
aprizm General Help 11 14,870 05-12-2015, 02:34 AM
    Thread: Partial recovery
Post: RE: Partial recovery

ok I think I know what happened. After doing a few test with generated sha1 encrypted pass I figured out some of my hash were corrupted. Which explains the partial match. Ive made sha1 hash out of tho...
aprizm General Help 11 14,870 05-12-2015, 03:30 AM
    Thread: Partial recovery
Post: RE: Partial recovery

It would be nice if hashcat had an option where you can only computer half the hash and compare it to half of target hash and maybe get a few lucky hit at a faster pace. here is the answer from th...
aprizm General Help 11 14,870 05-13-2015, 04:16 AM
    Thread: questions on Rules used to reject plains
Post: RE: questions on Rules used to reject plains

wow I just spent last night working on these rules to finally end up realizing theyre not working with GPU AAAAAAAARGH. suggestion: Bring this feature to ocl :D another question: does the skippi...
aprizm Old oclHashcat Support 2 6,798 06-04-2014, 07:02 PM
    Thread: Rejecting candidates under X characters while using rules set?
Post: RE: Rejecting candidates under X characters while ...

well technically they are encoding the password candidate first so yeah we know the length before its even cracked. theres a rule that might help you : Rules used to reject plains Name Functi...
aprizm hashcat 5 3,359 03-04-2019, 04:44 AM
    Thread: Ruby Hashcat Wrapper
Post: RE: Ruby Hashcat Wrapper

this could be awesome to program a AUTO-CRACKing loop with dynamic wordlist building based on : -cracked passwords -twitter trends -newsfeed all At once. So basically you would start your proce...
aprizm User Contributions 5 11,666 06-30-2014, 07:05 PM
    Thread: what is this encryption
Post: RE: what is this encryption

you could make some kind of map of the char type like this: 1=a (l,u,d,s) 1111111111111:11111111111111 or something along those line.
aprizm General Talk 4 8,620 05-10-2014, 06:16 PM
    Thread: Wordlist optimisation based on ruleset
Post: RE: Wordlist optimisation based on ruleset

rarecoil Wrote: (12-22-2019, 09:35 AM) -- eddie4 Wrote: (11-06-2019, 01:37 AM) -- Ouch it's only reading at 2-3MB/s hitting 100% on a single core. Ill see if i can't improve on this if i do ill post...
aprizm User Contributions 7 4,317 01-23-2020, 05:05 AM
    Thread: Wordlist optimisation based on ruleset
Post: RE: Wordlist optimisation based on ruleset

oops sorry forgot the link :
aprizm User Contributions 7 4,317 01-23-2020, 05:06 AM
    Thread: Words Combinator
Post: RE: Words Combinator

yeah thats where I got the idea. my fix was to combine a few words and then use the combinator. so first I build my 2 words list and then I use the combinator with a 1word list so that I get the 3...
aprizm General Talk 10 27,342 05-10-2014, 11:39 PM
    Thread: Words Combinator
Post: RE: Words Combinator

yeah maybe theresisnofatebutwhatwemake wouldnt come up but we could get a lot of other sentences using very specific list to build sentences. example: List A : List of article (a, the, an etc......
aprizm General Talk 10 27,342 05-18-2014, 11:06 PM
    Thread: RX VEGA unboxing
Post: RX VEGA unboxing ( Can't wait to see the benchmarks on that badboy.   From what I have gathered the price will be around 9...
aprizm Hardware 11 16,700 07-30-2017, 12:46 PM
    Thread: Words Combinator
Post: Words Combinator

I know how huge the load would become with 3 word being shuffled around but with smaller and more targeted wordlist it would become feasible. but I had this idea where the brute force mode could us...
aprizm General Talk 10 27,342 05-10-2014, 06:51 PM