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    Thread: 1 gtx1080 ti vs 2 gtx 1070
Post: RE: 1 gtx1080 ti vs 2 gtx 1070

If you are willing to push, 2x1070's will be better than 1 1080Ti power consumption aside.
cpu_pirate Hardware 2 3,888 03-21-2017, 02:04 AM
    Thread: Early 1080Ti benchmark
Post: Early 1080Ti benchmark

Here is a first sample for the Founders 1080Ti right off the truck from Nvidia pre-sales. Seeing some errors near the end, may be driver related not sure. Code: --                      ...
cpu_pirate Hardware 19 26,730 03-15-2017, 09:00 PM
    Thread: Ryzen OpenCL benchmarks?
Post: RE: Ryzen OpenCL benchmarks?

That's Super disappointing, but as with everything on this processor and chip set it remains to be seen what optimization can and will be done. On a parallel note, I have seen some YouTube videos tout...
cpu_pirate Hardware 26 31,240 03-13-2017, 01:27 AM
    Thread: PC upgrade -new MB & PSU
Post: RE: PC upgrade -new MB & PSU

I have had good luck with ASrock in the past, I dont think you will have any problem there. As for the PSU, I am comparing to Titan XP since that is the closest card to the 1080Ti right now which ...
cpu_pirate Hardware 3 4,387 03-08-2017, 10:45 PM
  Question Thread: Ryzen OpenCL benchmarks?
Post: Ryzen OpenCL benchmarks?

I know the numbers will not compare to GPU's in any real form but for those who are looking to build a modest (1-4) GPU cluster it might be worthwhile to know what kind of numbers the new Ryzen r7 chi...
cpu_pirate Hardware 26 31,240 03-06-2017, 05:01 PM
    Thread: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library
Post: RE: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library

Resolved after removing all old nvidia drivers and files: sudo apt-get purge $(dpkg -l | awk '$2~/nvidia/ {print $2}') and reinstalling the new driver directly from nvidia. Thanks for the help.
cpu_pirate hashcat 9 39,000 12-02-2016, 03:45 AM
    Thread: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library
Post: RE: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library

it was all looking so good in games, but I agree the driver version looked weird to me also, I'll try the full blow away and install driver only and see what happens.
cpu_pirate hashcat 9 39,000 11-28-2016, 09:30 PM
    Thread: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library
Post: RE: Hashcat - Can't find OpenCL ICD loader library

Seeing a very similar issue, however I cant seem to find even using the dev install. See below: I have tried both ocl-icd-libopencl1 && ocl-icd-opencl-dev. Note that today I hav...
cpu_pirate hashcat 9 39,000 11-22-2016, 11:34 PM