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    Thread: what it crash >hashcat4.0 show :clEnqueueWriteBuffer(): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
Post: what it crash >hashcat4.0 show :clEnqueueWriteBuff...

why i update all driver to last ver.hashcat >4.0 like 4.0,4.0.1 5.0 all show error below: Code: -- clFlush(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR clFlush(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR clFlush(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR clFlus...
piikee hashcat 0 1,113 01-05-2019, 09:26 AM
    Thread: helpme ^^)
Post: RE: helpme ^^)

TZWTF Wrote: (01-05-2019, 03:32 PM) -- Where can I ask to crack my hash? -- anywhere ,here.
piikee hashcat 4 2,375 01-05-2019, 03:56 PM
    Thread: how to crack multiple hashtype in the same time
Post: how to crack multiple hashtype in the same time

I see some can crack mutilple hashtype on hashcat by the same,can any one tell me how to do it? I have see hashcat help,the parameter -m can only input one number,why can some crack mutilple hashtype...
piikee hashcat 1 3,475 03-08-2017, 06:30 AM
    Thread: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?
Post: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?

can anyone tell me what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?thanks
piikee hashcat 5 4,382 07-16-2018, 10:19 AM
    Thread: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?
Post: RE: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?

undeath Wrote: (07-16-2018, 10:22 AM) -- context? -- algorithms
piikee hashcat 5 4,382 07-16-2018, 10:39 AM
    Thread: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?
Post: RE: what is *pX1e1008sH1 and Custom(41)?

d2 Wrote: (07-17-2018, 09:02 AM) -- @undeath: it's related to Hash Manager, soft written by insidepro team. @piikee: wrong forum, try on instead -- what?
piikee hashcat 5 4,382 07-29-2018, 02:21 PM