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oclHashcat install problems
Hey guys, I have two 7970's I'm trying to get setup with ubuntu server 12.04 LTS. I followed the wiki, but had a few problems. I think the problems are related to x11 and drivers not being installed correctly.

The error I'm getting when I run oclHashcat is this which appears to be driver related?

error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Here is the dump from the terminal from the fresh install of ubuntu server. If anyone can help me get this going I would appreciate it.
root@ubuntu:/home/jb/hashcat# ./cudaHashcat-plus.bin -t 32 -a 7 example0.hash ?a?a?a?a example.dic

take a look at that, your setup, and you should be able to figure out what the issue is
Yup, it's kind of stupid mistake Big Grin
root@ubuntu:/home/jb/hashcat# ./cudaHashcat-plus64.bin -t 32 -a 7 example0.hash ?a?a?a?a

are you talking about leaving out the 64? Because you can see on the next line down I try that with no avail.
It was more of a hint of what binary you should use.
If you have a 7970 it was very likely *not* produced by Nvidia, therefore you can't use cudaHashcat-plus64.bin, but you should try w/ oclHashcat-plus64.bin
I'm sorry I see that now. Thanks! Well, now another prob.

root@ubuntu:~/hashcatplus# ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 500 example500.hash example.dict
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1
root@ubuntu:~/hashcatplus# xhost +
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
xhost: unable to open display ":0"
nevermind was a permission thing. this did it

export XAUTHORITY=/home/<user>/.Xauthority
Guys, I'm pulling my hair out here trying. Now I'm getting this error:

root@jb:/home/jb/oclHashcat# ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 500 example500.hash example.dict
bash: ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin: Permission denied
sudo chmod +x oclHashcat-plus64.bin