Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from October 2020, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

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Using rules to emulate Hybrid attack

All you need to do is to generate a so called brute-force rule. This is just all possible rules required to generate all possible combinations. This can be done with maskprocessor.

The generated rule file can be used to perform Hybrid attacks with hashcat. All you need is to pass the rule file to hashcat via -r bf.rule.

Example 1, appending to dictionary

This appends 0000 - 9999 to each words from your dictionary:

$ ./mp64.bin -o bf.rule '$?d $?d $?d $?d'

Example 2, prepending to dictionary

This prepends aa - zz to each words from your dictionary:

$ ./mp64.bin -o bf.rule '^?l ^?l'