Please note, this is a STATIC archive of website from October 2020, does not collect or store any user information, there is no "phishing" involved.

Table of Contents

Machine-readable output

hashcat supports displaying information in machine-readable output for a number of modes.

Some machine-readable output includes a commented-out header that includes information like the hashcat version.


[device-id]:[?]:[?]:[exec_runtime in milliseconds]:[hashes per second]

$ hashcat -b -m 0 --machine-readable

# version: v4.0.0+
# option: --optimized-kernel-enable
Started: Thu Nov  2 15:08:04 2017
Stopped: Thu Nov  2 15:08:20 2017

status display

The code that implements runtime machine-readable output is in terminal.c

Some fields are variable in width depending on the number of devices used.

Example of a run in progress:

STATUS  3       SPEED   11620683163     1000    EXEC_RUNTIME    452.773035      CURKU   0       PROGRESS        26190392852480  630249409724609375      RECHASH01       RECSALT 0       1       TEMP    64      REJECTED        0

Example of a completed run that was very fast and only engaged one GPU out of six:

STATUS  5       SPEED   186419656       1000    0       1000    0       1000    0       1000    0       1000    0      1000     EXEC_RUNTIME    0.094336        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000        0.000000       CURKU    0       PROGRESS        857375  857375  RECHASH 0       1       RECSALT 0       1       TEMP    64      66     67       61      68      64      REJECTED        0

Example of an attack that was terminated by selecting 'q' to quit:

STATUS  8       SPEED   11674779143     1000    EXEC_RUNTIME    455.360562      CURKU   5242880 PROGRESS        41447409582080  630249409724609375      RECHASH 0       1       RECSALT 0       1       TEMP    63      REJECTED        0

The fields are as follows:

To get regular machine-readable progress, use –status-timer [seconds].

For most machine-readable output, you will also want to use –quiet.


[device-id]:[hashes per second]

$ hashcat -m 0 -a 3 target.hashlist -d 1 --quiet --speed-only --machine-readable ?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a