Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
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- GT 555M Issue (5 Replies)
- --disable-potfile option not available ? (3 Replies)
- clgetDeviceIDs<> -1 Error? (2 Replies)
- How to use md5(md5($pass).md5($salt)) to hashcat-plus? (2 Replies)
- How to run in windows 7? (3 Replies)
- Rule syntax (1 Reply)
- cHC+64 skips the first hash O.o (6 Replies)
- Reading very large dicts (11 Replies)
- ERROR: clCreateBuffer() -61 (6 Replies)
- hashcat-gui v0.5.1 - not work perfectly (9 Replies)
- cuModuleLoad (2 Replies)
- oclHashcat-plus not working in backtrack r2 (10 Replies)
- Problem with 4 Character Password crack (3 Replies)
- BruteForce with custom chart set (7 Replies)
- Speed running on 8800GT (beginner) (2 Replies)
- 12.3 (1 Reply)
- oclHashCat-plus crashes on 7970 (Linux & Windows) (1 Reply)
- help with proper configuration (4 Replies)
- Some problems, first exhausted now cant find my card (3 Replies)
- Segmentation Fault (4 Replies)