Very old oclHashcat-plus Support
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- Are the same limits present for NTLM and DCC (1 Reply)
- Just want to confirm it doesn't support (6 Replies)
- [split] oclHashcat-plus v0.07 - md5(md5($pass)) hashtype (1 Reply)
- What is rejected rate? (2 Replies)
- Please help at ocl accelerated sha1($salt.$pass) (4 Replies)
- Worst documentation and usability EVER (6 Replies)
- Plus is too slow. How can I continue to use oclhashcat ? (14 Replies)
- possible to bruteforce with rules? (1 Reply)
- CUDA Error (11 Replies)
- Beginner Question: MD5+Salt (shadow) (2 Replies)
- How to bruteforce? (24 Replies)
- nvcuda.dll (2 Replies)
- HW.Monitor never > 70% GPU (1 Reply)
- Freezes and lags on 0.07 version (26 Replies)
- What about --increment for bruteforcing ? (3 Replies)
- [split] oclhashcat-lite v0.06 Time Bomb (2 Replies)
- OCLHashCatPlus/Lite crashes on long mask (1 Reply)
- Optimize MD5 brute force attack (3 Replies)
- Multi Rules Problem...I Think (2 Replies)
- Multi Rules Problem (10 Replies)