- Mode 11300 (1 Reply)
- Enforcing Untrusted parties to work (0 Replies)
- Precomputing salt / debugging module files (2 Replies)
- Adding PCFG to slow_candidates (6 Replies)
- Slow-candidates for hybrid attacks (2 Replies)
- hashcat has to read through wordlist when using restore or --skip (4 Replies)
- Discord (1 Reply)
- Sorting many masks by number of combinations? (2 Replies)
- New plugin developer guide (5 Replies)
- algo 20710 (2 Replies)
- Attack mode 6 only uses 1 GPU. (6 Replies)
- Ethereum Wallet and 1080ti trouble (4 Replies)
- About operators for u32x and u8x (1 Reply)
- NTLM Performance Problem (7 Replies)
- OpenCl kernel self-test failed when using any version later than v4.2.1 !! (29 Replies)
- What is pw_len of the pw type ? (2 Replies)
- How crack this hash? (1 Reply)
- Does Hashcat only compare the beginning of hashes ? (1 Reply)
- DCC2 Cracking from a file not working (1 Reply)
- so hashes/s is same as passwords/s? (6 Replies)