- Possible development to support three wordlists at once? (25 Replies)
- hashcat development stalled? (2 Replies)
- Error ejecutando hashcat -m2500 -a 3 (1 Reply)
- Been away for a while (4 Replies)
- Optimization of X16R Crypto Mining Algo for work on AMD GPU (0 Replies)
- Hash types with multiple iterations/rounds (1 Reply)
- pocl benchmarks (1 Reply)
- please add PuTTY private key cracker ! thx (3 Replies)
- Cryptainer (1 Reply)
- -m 2500 seems to be somewhat broken (12 Replies)
- Electrum support - aes_decrypt (sha256 (sha256 ($pass), $data) (32 Replies)
- How do I extract the hashes from a file encrypted with PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA-1? (4 Replies)
- I can not determine the number in the hashcat (10 Replies)
- Bitlocker (4 Replies)
- Encfs support (1 Reply)
- [mp64] Output Results with Max/Exact Number of Chars of Specified Charsets (2 Replies)
- How to generate hashes for directory content (files) not crack them ? (2 Replies)
- How are Litecoin wallets encrypted? (3 Replies)
- The Autotune Engine (2 Replies)
- Do not try to write --keyspace yourself (15 Replies)