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hashcat Forum

Full Version: v62 is up
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OK, v62 and should fix all "not found" problems.

At least I hope that, after fixing 5 major bugs Smile

The performance problem is still not fixed.
Again, the beta version updates are going faster than me testing them. Here's my results for b60:

System: Windows 7 64 bit, Driver 306.02 GTX470, oclhashcat-plus beta 60

Now everything works except for -m 1710 where -a 1, -a 6 and -a 7 are not working.

I will test beta 62 soon.
Windows7 64-bit, nVidia, 304,79 beta, oclHashcat-plus-0.09b62.

Re-tested all... Everything works as it should except:
-m130: Good Job! -a7 bug on -m130, -m131 and -m132 fixed!
-m500: Fails to crack any 1-character-long password.
-m1600: -m500's problem.
-m1710: -a1, -a6 and -a7 fail on all lengths.
-m3000: Just an advice... Don't -a3 these!
-m3100: When I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 : its truncating the passes to 8.
-m2811: MyBB1.2+ uses 8_?l?u?d salt, please add an exception.

@mastercracker:: I just tested b60 and still encounter the following bugs:
-m500: Fails to crack any 1-character-long password.
-m1600: -m500's problem.
-m3100: When I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 : its truncating the passes to 8.
Could you please verify on nV?
Quote:-m130: Good Job! -a7 bug on -m130, -m131 and -m132 fixed!

Thx Smile

Quote:-m500: Fails to crack any 1-character-long password.
-m1600: -m500's problem.

Can reproduce, thanks!

Quote:-m2811: MyBB1.2+ uses 8_?l?u?d salt, please add an exception.

Will add, np.

Quote:-m1710: -a1, -a6 and -a7 fail on all lengths.
-m3000: Just an advice... Don't -a3 these!
-m3100: When I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 : its truncating the passes to 8.

Trying to reproduce, takes a bit time
b63 is up!


Quote:-m500: Fails to crack any 1-character-long password.
-m1600: -m500's problem.
-m2811: MyBB1.2+ uses 8_?l?u?d salt, please add an exception.

pls test
-m500, -m1600: Excellent! fixed!
-m2811: I'm afraid this still appear 'Line-length exception'.

Yet to fix:
-m1710: -a1, -a6 and -a7 fail on all lengths.
-m3100: When I use -a3, all is being cracked but if len(pass) > 8 : its truncating the passes to 8.
-m2811: 'Line-length exception'.
-m3000: ... (maybe!)

Haven't tried all algos, but might do if I had enough time today.
b64 is up!


Quote:-m1710: -a1, -a6 and -a7 fail on all lengths.
Quote:-m2811: I'm afraid this still appear 'Line-length exception'.

need example hash pls
atom Wrote: [ -> ]need example hash pls

459aa11c5c1bdb82ac97848ce98b01a3:kmxpsQj2:Line-length exception

b64 is downloading!
Quote:-m3000: ... (maybe!)

cannot reproduce any error, works fine
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