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hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashcat Lite v.0.14 Crash on start with AMD 7950
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Hi ! Im new to using Hashcat but i cant get it to work. When I start the cracking Hashcat crashes (gives no error), simply "Hashcat has stopped working". I Use the ASUS HD RADEON 7950 DCII and AMD Catalyst 13.1 Software.

Please Help!
What OS?
alexusswe Wrote: [ -> ]"Hashcat has stopped working"
Obviously, Windows.
But what version of Windows, smartass? Smile
(02-17-2013, 02:58 AM)epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]But what version of Windows, smartass? Smile

Im using Windows 7 64Bit
epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]But what version of Windows, smartass? Smile
alexusswe Wrote: [ -> ]Im using Windows 7 64Bit

Now what, smartass?
And the Hashcat GUI dosn't work either, when i put the hash in a txt file and try to crack it. It simply starts and stops
(02-17-2013, 07:42 PM)M@LIK Wrote: [ -> ]
epixoip Wrote: [ -> ]But what version of Windows, smartass? Smile
alexusswe Wrote: [ -> ]Im using Windows 7 64Bit
Now what, smartass?

Oh I don't know, I don't use Windows. I was just getting to him to provide the necessary information to enable someone else to answer his question.

The ball is in your court, Windows user. Smile
Oh, so now you're throwing me under the bus, smartass?


Seriously though, I don't know either. It's too vague.
(02-17-2013, 09:57 PM)alexusswe Wrote: [ -> ]And the Hashcat GUI dosn't work either, when i put the hash in a txt file and try to crack it. It simply starts and stops
You will have to provide the command line that you use. Maybe the attack finished and the Dos window closed. Avoiding the GUI and learning the command line would help you a lot.
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