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hashcat Forum

Full Version: OclHashcat+ --remove option / line lenght exception error
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--remove option is available ? I did a research in the documentation
and using --help parmeter but didn't find nothing.
oclHashcat+ does not support --remove
hint: if you have some hashes cracked with oclHashcat+ use the outputfile from oclHashcat+ as a dictionary in hashcat (cpu). there you have --remove
Thanks for the hint. The fact that, found hashes not being removed,
do not have any impact in the overall speed ?
Boris has a point. In the case where you want to start many attacks in a batch file (.bat), removing every possible cracked hash would save time on the subsequent attacks of the batch. If possible, implementing it would be really helpful. Worst case scenario, if it impedes on how Oclhashcat+ works, you could put it as a last step after it finishes an attack (instead of doing it on the fly).
(02-02-2011, 06:01 AM)mastercracker Wrote: [ -> ]... you could put it as a last step after it finishes an attack (instead of doing it on the fly).

Seems to me a nice suggestion. What do you think atom ? Any chance ?
what the problem using hashcat to do the --remove work?
(02-04-2011, 10:57 AM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]what the problem using hashcat to do the --remove work?
That would mean that you have to actually be physically there once every attack finish to remove them. When you run a batch file (several attacks one after the other), every attack after the first one gets "penalized". Let's say you have 100 hash and the first attack crack 20 of them. Since those hash are so slow to crack because of their high iterations, you really do not want to loose your gain of speed by trying to recrack those 20 in the second attack. If we continue and the second attack cracks 30 of them, without the --remove, the third attack will try to crack a 100 of them. With the --remove, it will run on 50 of them and should be twice faster.

I would place a simple command in the batch file.

hashcat.exe -a 0 -m 0 --remove yourhashlist.txt foundpasswords.txt
(02-05-2011, 11:01 AM)K9_ Wrote: [ -> ]I would place a simple command in the batch file.

hashcat.exe -a 0 -m 0 --remove yourhashlist.txt foundpasswords.txt
I did not know about that and if that was what atom was suggesting, i did not pick it up. I will try if I can make the command line work...
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