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hashcat Forum

Full Version: OclHashcat+ --remove option / line lenght exception error
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you may need to cut away the hashes. use cut (port also exists for windows) from unix utils package.

cut -b34- < foundpasswords.txt > foundpasswords.txt.cut
This will be a problem with MD5(unix) hashes that don`t always have the same length...
true. i will add it to oclhashcat+ in a later version.
I've edited the title thread but fail to post my comment.
Sor, here it is:
While running a large md5 file (above 1,5 m hashes), we get a number
of lines with the message "...line lenght exception error...", and this
happens every time we start a new rule/new attack.
The doubt is: if oclhashcat+ detects those line errors, would be
logical to delete those lines, so the errors don't repeat each time
we start all over again ?
Can those lines be deleted, once detected at the start, and, eventually
copy the line which cause the error message to a new file for a check
of what is causing the error message ?

Take it as a constructive suggestion, of course.
thats something it will do if it has --remove switch. till then, use hashcat cpu version to do it / see how it behaves
has been added in the meanwhile. thread closed.
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