(07-31-2014, 05:06 PM)SomeGuy Wrote: [ -> ]how is 10-13 twice the size as of 14-18???? Yes those sizes make no sense 15 mil for 10-13?, 7.5 mil for 14-18?, and only 15k for 19 char???
You are right. The numbers are wrong.
I should have done the math before producing code.
Now my numbers match my math (at least for 18 and 19 character passwords):
For a 19 char password you can either have
all 10 keys (qwert12345) and 9 blanks distributed on 11 positions (start of pwd, end of pwd or 9 in between the keys) which by also allowing shift-key sums up to 1024 * (11 over 9) = 1024 * 55 pwds
9 out of 10 keys (qwert12345) and 10 blanks at every possible position (start of pwd, end of pwd, 8 in between the keys) which by also allowing shift-key sums up to 512 * (10 over 9) = 512 * 10 pwds.
Thus there should be exactly 61.440 passwords of length 19 and i checked this in the new dictionary.
For a 18 char password you can either have
all 10 keys (qwert12345) and 8 blanks distributed on 11 positions which by also allowing shift-key sums up to 1024 * (11 over 8) = 1024 * 165 pwds
9 out of 10 keys (qwert12345) and 9 blanks at 10 positions which by also allowing shift-key sums up to 512 * 10 * 10 = 51200 pwds.
Thus there should be exactly 220.160 passwords of length 18 and i re-checked this in the new dictionary.
For the shorter passwords the number of possibilities is a bit higher because there are more possibilities for selecting keys and distributing blanks.
The new and hopefully finally correct dictionary for length 14-19 can be downloaded from
https://www.sendspace.com/file/xbvv3b. It contains 6.749.696 passwords.
The dictionary for length 10-13 can be obtained from
https://www.sendspace.com/file/g415kv. It contains 10.636.416 entries.
The dictionaries rely on
1. The order of the keys qwert12345 is fixed. If you allow permutations you will get a lot more passwords
2. The password contains no consecutive blanks (at most 1 blank at every position in between the keys).
Sorry again. I should go on vacation. Computers are bad for brain.